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3rd person POV

Harry had just finished getting ready when a knock came from his door. He sniffed the air and found that it was Sirius.

"Come in." Harry replied while trying neaten his hair a bit.

"Hey" Sirius said as he walked in after getting permission.

"Hey" Harry replied not looking away from the mirror he was using.

"What're you doing." Sirius asked curiously.

"Trying to tame my hair." Harry replied in frustration.

"James tried to do that too. It didn't work though." Sirius said laughing.

"When did he give up?" Harry asked liking to here about his parents.

"I don't think he ever did. On his wedding day he spent two hours trying to make it look better but it was all for nothing." Sirius said laughing at the memory.

Harry laughed. Giving up trying to fix his hair for now and moved over to sit at his desk where he had his drawing book.

"I have a drawing that I made I thought it was pretty good you wanna see it?" Harry asked having just drew this one a few hours ago.

"Sure I'd love too." Sirius said walking over.

"I thought this would have happened at least once

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"I thought this would have happened at least once." Harry said laughing a little.

"Wow Harry that looks exactly like us." Sirius said amazed.

"Yeah I just changed up my body to be less skinny and changed the eye color for dad. And I looked at a picture I saw of you once and just sort of went with it." Harry said

"Well I came in here to tell you we are going shopping today."

"For what." Harry asked confused. They had already gotten all their school supplies and what else could they need.

"For you," Sirius answered, "you need actual clothes and not the ones the Dursleys gave you."

"What no I'm fine I'll just transfigure them." Harry said not wanting Sirius to spend money on him.

"No Harry you need proper clothes if you don't go with me then I'll go pick you out some clothes and you'll have to where them."

"Ok fine." Harry said knowing there was no way out of this.

"Good. We're leaving after breakfast."

"Ok" Harry said as Sirius left.

Harry looked at the time and saw the he had about 20 minutes before breakfast should be ready. So he opened up his drawing book and started to work on one that wasn't finished yet.

(Time skip)

Soon it was time for breakfast, so Harry went down stairs with his drawing book in hand having not finished his drawing and also wanting to take it with him for the shopping trip. Who knew maybe there would be good inspiration there.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

It was after breakfast and Sirius and Harry were walking down the street. (Just pretend Sirius is free and has been proven incessant.)

"So where are we going?" Harry asked starting up a conversation.

"I think we're going to stay in the muggle world since there's not a lot of casual clothes in the wizarding world."

Harry nodded.

"You really didn't have to do this." Harry said

"I know but I want to and I'm your godfather the least I could do was buy you some clothes that actually fit." Sirius said.

(Time skip again sorry)

They had just arrived at a store. Harry started to look around Sirius following occasionally pointing out something he thought Harry would like. Which Harry would either add to his small pile or reject it. Harry soon saw a sweatshirt that had a wolf on it.

(I couldn't find a hoodie that looked the way I thought and pictured in my mind so this is just what It might look like but feel free to use your imagination

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(I couldn't find a hoodie that looked the way I thought and pictured in my mind so this is just what It might look like but feel free to use your imagination.)

Harry looked at the price and saw it was $150 bucks. He quickly walked away. That's way too expensive I can't let him get it for me. Harry thought.

Sirius watch as Harry walked away and started to look at other stuff. So Sirius went up to the hoodie and saw it was $150 bucks. He knew Harry liked it from the way he was looking at it so he put it in the cart hidden enough that Harry couldn't see it. He decided that he would give it to Harry for his birthday since it was in about a week.

He walked back over to Harry who was now looking at some jeans. He continued to follow Harry around as he looked only adding about a quarter of what he looked at. Sirius walked behind him and picked up some of the items that it looked like he liked. Sirius didn't even check the price he had enough money it was fine.

Soon they had finished shopping and were trying to find a place to eat.

"Have you ever been to Chick-fil-A." Harry asked.

"No have you." Sirius answered.

"Nope but I've heard it was good." Harry replied.

"Ok let's go then!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Umm Sirius that's the wrong way." Harry said laughing.

"Right you are." Sirius said turning around and heading back to Harry.

Harry laughed and started walking in the direction of Chick-fil-A.

(Time skip)

They were soon there and had sat down and had gotten there food. Sirius had to use the bathroom so Harry sat waiting. He looked up when the door opened and he smelled something familiar. Who walked in was one of the last people he ever wanted to see again in his life. It was Dudley.

Hey cliffhanger I know but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please vote and comment any of your ideas or just how you liked it. Also question should Ron be supporting or should he be mean. Anyways I love you bye 😘

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