Hidden from sight

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(Abuse mentioned and maybe eating disorder)

                       3rd person POV

Harry was not looking forward to food he knew that he had a small appetite because of the Dursleys and it kept getting smaller. As the walked into the dining room Harry almost threw up right then and there with how much food was on the table. He sat down at the table by himself as far from everyone else as possible not wanting to talk right. He tried not to be noticed but that's hard when you just woke everyone up in the house because you were screaming about a nightmare. He kept his head down not looking at anyone at the table, just trying to eat as much as he could so he didn't look suspicious.

Everyone else at the table kept glancing down at Harry trying figure out what was going on with him. Sirius and Remus were giving each other a look trying to figure out how they were going to get Harry to talk to them. No one wanted to talk and break the silence. So they continued to eat the only sound was of silverware clattering on a plate.

After everyone was done Ron showed Harry to their room and went downstairs while Harry unpacked and showered. Harry couldn't take it anymore he went into the bathroom and puked he hadn't even eaten half of his food and he felt that could hold him for a month. He continued to empty his stomach into the bowl until there was nothing left.

He then got up and took a shower and washed out his mouth. He hated to puke but that was the only way he could make it not so suspicious. He made a plan for himself that he would eat the food and then throw it back up later. (I sorry if this is triggering for some people but I will try to put a warning on each chapter) He didn't need the food anyway he didn't deserve it. He was just a worthless freak. Right?

After taking a shower he looked at himself in the mirror, and what he saw wasn't pretty. You could see and count all of his ribs especially the 3 broken ones, he had bruises on almost all of his torso, whip marks from his uncle's belt, and words carved into his skin as well. He didn't have many visible injuries on the parts of his body that you could see because his uncle didn't want anyone to get suspicious about all of Harry's injuries. Which now Harry was very grateful for. Putting up a strong glamour to hide all, all you could see now was clear skin and it even hid how skinny he was now he only looked a little under the normal weight. Making sure he had his everything, he got dressed and walked out where Sirius and Remus were now sitting waiting for him.

Wow Harry thought I guess I got good timing on that glamour spell. Now at least one of my secrets were safe for now.

Hey guys sorry this one was so short but I hope you like it and if you do would you please comment or vote or if you have some ideas for this story I would really appreciate it. As always I love y'all bye 😘

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