Cross the finish line and final chapter

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Hey guys this will be the last chapter of this story. Sorry but don't worry I will have other stories coming soon.

                         Harry's POV

"Go!" Molly yelled stepping back before we could trample her.

Immediately I was racing off the line, leaving almost everyone in the dust. Everyone but Rue, her family, Remus, and Sirius. Rue's siblings soon fell behind, but were still ahead of the rest of the racers.

The race wasn't that long really just about 2 football fields long. (I don't know what you call American football over there but I'm from America so I'm not sure. Feel free to correct me on anything I get wrong.) I was slowly pushing ahead of most. Rue was side by side with me though, and I was all out sprinting to stay with her. She looked over at me before winking, and  elbowing me in my side. This caught me slightly off guard, causing me to stumble, and her to pass me. I quickly regained my footing and soon was right behind that mischievous little tail of hers.

"Two could play it this game." I thought before shifting into my wolf form and easily catching up the rest of the way. I nipped lightly at her skin, she glanced back at me, slowing her down only a little, but it gave me the chance I needed to push gently past her and leave her in my dust.

I knew she would be by my side soon having heard her transforming. I was right because I soon felt something bite my tail. I glanced back to see Rue, in her wolf form, with my tail in her mouth. This made me stumble, and practically face plant into the moist dirt.

Rue let go of my tail and ran ahead, the others were catching up at this point because of Rue and me sabotaging each other. So instead of going after her to slow her down I decided on a new game plan.

I quickly changed back into my human for before climbing up the nearest sturdy tree, once I got to the place where all the branches were, I took off down the line of tree. I had done this so many times it was fast than moving on the ground. Soon I was side by side with Rue, her having no clue that I was up in the trees.

The finish line was in view, only 50 yards away. I glanced back to see that both Rue and I had made quite a bit of head way on the others. Even the other wolfbloods were about 10 yards away. I took a leaping jump toward the ground, turning into my wolf form as I descended. I landed next to Rue surprising her slightly but not enough to make her falter in her graceful strides.

I pushed into over drive forcing my legs to move faster but so did Rue. We were side by side neither of us gaining even an inch of ground on the other, looking over I caught her eye. We looked at each other holding the gaze as we both smiled a wolf smile before snapping our attention back to the finish line. We both wanted to win, it was just some friendly competition, it was just a fun way to test each other.

The finish line was only a mere few feet away, and I pushed as hard as I could, using my height as an advantage. Being older than Rue could be a big bonus sometimes. And then I crossed the line, panting hard. I looked behind me, Rue was in the same state as me, panting hard, and worn out. I slowly walked over to her, still in wolf form. I nuzzled up to her in a way of saying good job, as she did the same. We shifted back to human form one after the other, still regaining our breaths.

At the same time Rue's parents came over the line, not even a millisecond apart from each other. Then came Elm, followed closely by Violet.

"I told you I would beat you." Elm taunted happily.

"Only by a second." Violet replied with a pout.

The twins, Lotus, and Rose, came next, followed shortly by Foxglove, who skipped over to me and jumped into my arms.

"Hey kit! How'd you like the race." I said once she was in my arms. (Kit is the name for a baby fox so I thought it would be cute for Harry to call Foxglove this.)

"It was amazing Harry! I even almost beat the twins." She said giggling happily.

"That's great Kit."

Kit continued to exclaimed excitedly about the race and other random thing she liked to talk about, flailing her arms, and bouncing in my arms the whole time.

Soon Ginny and Ron crossed the line, Ginny being a pretty good distance in front of Ron. It must be difficult for a human to run that long of a distance but for a wolfblood it's just like a morning walk on a nice day.
                      3rd person POV

"I told you I would beat you Ron." Ginny said between breaths as she moved tiredly towards her brother.
"Only because I tripped." Ron said collapsing on the ground and glaring up at his sassy sister.

"Excuses, excuses." Ginny muttered.

While this was going on, Fred and George crossed the line, they were crawling. They were crawling as if they were in the desert and they had had no water for days. They flopped on the ground and rolled over simultaneously, being as big of drama queens as ever.

Somewhere in this mess Remus and Sirius had finished as well and were now both pouting about not knowing they could have used their wolf/dog forms.

Harry looked around at all of these people who had become his friend and later even family, when his own rejected and abused him. He was so happy to see them all here together getting along even if they were all bickering and pouting. He finally had a real loving family that he kept no secrets from.


Hey guys so this as you read at the top is the last part to this story but there will be others so don't worry. I hope you liked it and I finished it off with a good chapter. Thank you all for reading and supporting me as I wrote this story. I love each and every one of you. Once again thank you, and as always I love you bye 😘

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