Waiting them out

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3rd person POV

Harry had been up in the tree for about ten minutes before Dudley came up looking angry.

"Hey Duds what's got you so upset." Harry said laughing.

Dudley just clenched his fisted.

"Come on guys it's boring up here let me down and I'll be on my way." Harry said with fake boredom in his voice.

One of Dudley's gang members tried to climb the tree only making it a few branches up before falling making Harry laugh. Harry had had a lot of practice climbing trees so he had become accustomed to it and liked being in trees more than the ground when he was scared. Since few people can climb trees as fast as he and he had only met one person who could jump from tree to tree like him. Her name was Rue. (And yes I am making a hunger games reference.) She was 12 years old. He had met her a few months ago after he had been beaten and had escaped to the safety of the trees. She was nice and even showed him some Edible plants since she saw how thin he was. But it wasn't in a pitying way it was more in a way that she understood. He asked her about it and she said her family was really poor and sometimes didn't have enough money for food. That was the first person Harry had told about the abuse. He didn't say much but he said enough that she knew the extent of it. They talked the next few days in the evening after Harry finished his chores. They talked everyday and he soon found out she was a wolf blood. He even drew some drawing of her. They spent their days gathering edible plants, reading, drawing, and getting to know each other. Some days Harry couldn't make it until late afternoon but she would still wait and be just as excited as always. She took he siblings with her and they were just as sweet. There was five of them and they looked just like her. He never got to draw them but it was nice to meet and spend time with them. They were shy at first but soon they warned up to him and they even ended up sleeping in the trees cuddled up to each other. God what he would give to go back and relive those moments.

He was soon knocked out of his thoughts when he heard a yelp. He looked down and saw that another person had tried to climb the tree and had gotten farther up it but ended up falling flat on his back. Harry of course laughing and got a stick thrown at his head in return. He easily dodged it and threw one back in return. Ending up hitting one on the head.

Eventually they started to become bored and restless. They soon left after that and Harry waited a few minutes before he climbed down and went to look for Sirius. Luckily for him he didn't have to look far soon after he had climbed down Sirius popped out of the bushes in his animagus form and transformed back.

"Are you ok Harry." Sirius said coming over and checking Harry's injuries.

"Yeah I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt that much." Harry said pushing Sirius's hand away.

"Ok but when we get back I am going to clean you up whether you like it or not." Sirius said wiping a stray drop of blood that was running down his chin.

Harry sighed defeated knowing he wasn't going to get out of this and nodded.

"Good now let's go." Sirius said going back to his playful self.

"Race ya!" Harry exclaimed before turning into his wolf form and started to run in the direction of grimauled place.

"You're on." Sirius yelled back turning into his animagus form and racing after Harry.

Harry ran out of the woods followed closely by Sirius, he picked up the pace dodging people occasionally. They soon arrived and transformed back laughing.

"Told you I would win." Harry said between laughter.

"Yeah yeah you had a head start." Sirius said pouting.

""Yes the one second head start really gave me an advantage." Harry said while they went into the house.

"It did." Sirius protested.

" surrrre." Harry said once again laughing.

"Ok now let's get you cleaned up." Sirius said

"Do I have to." Harry groaned.

"Yes now come on." Sirius said sternly.

Harry just sighed as he followed Sirius to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Hey people thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been trying to write longer chapters than before but tell me if they are to short and I will try to write more. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed. And please leave any story ideas or just tell me how you liked it. As always I love you bye 😘

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