Full moon pt.2

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Harry's POV
Now what. The moon would come up in a few hours and then what. And Harry couldn't turn back in front of Remus it would be painful either way because of his last few beating at the Dursley's before he was abandoned. Deciding to talk to Remus he tried to reach him through his mind but he didn't respond.
Pacing his small cage, he tried to come up with his plan. He felt sick. He ate to much. His stomach could not handle large amounts of food. Harry then threw up. So many bumps why was the van so rough, it was like they were trying to nock them into the wall of their small cage. Slamming against the cage hurt his already bruised and broken body. They were almost there he didn't know how he knew he just did. Crap. Wait those weren't just people who wanted their fur, he knew that smell. He had smelled that smell before. He was out for a walk in wolf form in the woods when he smelled that smell, so he went closer and saw a wolfblood running from a guy with a net. Luckily the wolf got away but he never saw or smelled  that wolf ever again. These people knew that he was a wolfblood and maybe even knew Remus was a werewolf. Remus seemed to get more agitated as well.
Time skip brought to you by me pretending to be a wolfblood when I watched the show.
Making up a plan that was risky and might get him to reveal his identity he got ready to commit to it. They had stopped they were there. The doors were opened shortly after revealing two middle aged men who when they smiled you could see some of their teeth were missing. As well as their hair almost full gone, to say the least they weren't a pretty sight.
Roughly being carried in the cages he tried not to slide in his own throw up. Failing miserably he was now laying in his own puke. He then started howling as loud as he could.
"Shut it you stupid mutt" one of the two said.
Harry only howled louder. After a few more howls Remus started to join in and do the same. Eventually they were inside an old abandoned building that looked to be an old car repair shop. Still howling he heard others join in. Wolfbloods and werewolves alike started howling with them until it seemed like every one of them had joined in. There were about 20 of them including Harry and Remus give or take a few. There were 5 men now in the room including the two who had carried them all looking middle aged and ugly. All of which had their hands over their ears from all the howling.
    Harry then started to claw at his cage door. Hoping to nock it free, to no avail. So he tried to use magic. Still howling to make sure everyone else keeps going. All he had to do was get his cage open then he could get Remus's open then they could open the rest of the wolfs. The sun was up now but none of them could transform back because of the silver and wolfsbane they had put on the cages. So if he could get out he could open his cage and transform everyone could escape and be go back to their normal lives, who knew how long these wolfs had been here and stuck in their wolf forms.
The men were to distracted trying to make sure no one heard the wolves that they didn't notice Harry trying to open his cage. After what felt like hours but could only have been minutes he finally opened it. Getting out he transformed back after taking a few seconds for the silver and wolfsbane to wear off. He heard Remus let out a gasp or as close to a gasp as a wolf could.
Unlocking Remus's cage he moved on to the other before Remus could even transform. Opening them as quick as he could was half way done with the help of Remus who looked to be in a state of shock. Moving on to the next set of cages as the wolves in the previous ones ran out of the building as fast as they could not bothering to transform yet. Once out they ran in every direction possible some heading home others who just wanted to get as far away from their captors as possible. Having almost finished releasing them all he wondered how he was going to escape Remus after this. Focusing on the task at hand he finished opening the cages Remus in front of him he was just about out the door when he felt a pain in his leg. He tried to ignore it but he he started to feel drowsy. He was still in his human form when he started to hear voices behind him.
"I got him I told you I would hit him. Look at him he's about to go down someone get the other one"
Knowing what was about so happened Harry pulled the tranquilizer out of his leg and grabbed Remus's arm and started running Remus right behind him. But then he heard them they were following them. Harry pushed Remus ahead telling him he would catch up.
  "No I'm not going to leave you" Remus said pulling Harry with him.
  "Stop-I'll catch up soon" Harry slurred.
  They were coming and they were coming fast. Harry had to think fast.
    "Fine but we need to go fast they're coming."
  So they ran as fast as Harry could go while barely being conscious.
"Come on Harry stay with me"
"I'm fibjne" Harry said slurred.
"You always say that."
Harry was about to pass out but he had to keep going. Harry decided to do something reckless yet again.
"Go. Go back to Sirius and everyone else. I'll be fine see you another time and tell Ron and Hermione I'll see them at school. Don't tell anyone about what I am. Bye"
With that Harry pushed Remus in the opposite direction, transformed, and ran. Remus hesitated for a moment but soon came back to reality after hearing the men coming closer.
                Remus's POV
   Deciding he would run now and go back and look for Harry latter, he took off at a sprint not knowing where the men were and hoped Harry would be safe.
Harry's POV
Harry had to move he didn't know where he was but he knew that if he didn't move now one of the men would find him and he just doesn't need that right now. Moving as fast as he could while stumbling around hitting trees, thorn bushes, and all sorts of other things. He transformed back and made it to a bush that seemed to be a good hiding place so with the last bit of energy finally wearing off he collapsed passing out before he even hit the ground.
Remus's POV
Remus was still in shock that Harry was 1) a wolfblood and 2) that he was out in the woods so far from the Dursley's. He was almost to grimmauld place (idk how you spell it so sorry) luckily the men had lost track of him and hopefully Harry too. What was he going to tell Sirius, and Harry's friends.
    Deciding he would tell Sirius and no one else that Harry was a wolfblood, he walked into the house. And was greeted by a big but gentle hug from Sirius. Oh god how was he going to tell him that his godson is a wolfblood and that he could very well be in danger.

Hey thanks for reading I love writing these and I appreciate all the support I can get so if you want please comment or anything thanks again love you all bye.

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