Secrets are out and chaos as happened

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3rd person POV
                       (Trigger warning)

(When they get back to Grimauled place)

Sirius, Remus, and Harry were standing outside Grimauled place about to walk in. Harry knew that his secret was gonna come out to his friends eventually but not this early.

"Are you going to tell them everything?" Remus asked as they went inside.

Harry shrugged.

"It depends on how they react to the first part." Harry said not looking forward to this at all.

"It'll be fine. They're your friends. They already know about me, and they excepted me." Remus reassured him.

"Yeah well you didn't try to attack them. Well you did but it was the full moon." Harry said walking as slow as possible as to delay what was to come as much as possible.

"It's going to be fine." Sirius said while opening the door to where everyone was.

They walked in, Harry taking an interest in the ground. He glanced up, and he saw Ron, hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George all sitting nervously glancing between themselves and Harry.

Harry walked over and sat down nervously after getting a little nudge from Sirius. The adults sat down too. To listen and help if need be. They sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity, until Ron finally spoke up.

"Is someone going to tell us what happened and why Harry's eyes turned yellow and his veins black." Ron said having enough of the dreadful silence and anticipation.

"Um I guess I have some explaining to do." Harry said shifting nervously, and keeping his eyes on the ground.

"Ok so I'm a wolfblood," Harry started, " which is pretty much a werewolf but smaller and they are born not bitten."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione questioned.

"Well I didn't know until my first transformation which was over the summer." Harry explained.

"But that doesn't explain what's been going on with you." Fred started.

"Or at least most of what's been going on." George finished in their twin talk.

"Let's just say the Dursleys aren't the nicest people, and I got kicked out." Harry said quietly.

"When did that happen?" Ginny asked surprised.

"Over the summer the beginning of it." Harry stated not liking where these questions were going.

"Where did you go cause you didn't come here until the second month of summer?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Well I lived in the woods close by." Harry said laughing nervously.

"What!" The they all yelled in unison.

"It's not a big deal it was only for a week or so." Harry said trying to calm them.

"Mom, Dad, how are you not reacting to this?" Ron practically yelled, unintentionally making Harry flinch from the loud noise and chaos.

"We already knew. It's fine." Molly responded calmly as not to infuse more chaos.

"It's not fine. Harry spent who knows how long in the woods all alone with no one to help him!" Ginny joined in.

"Look I know but it's in the past now and Harry is safe with us." Arthur said trying to reason with his children.

With that they nodded sitting back down knowing that nothing would change even if they yelled about it.

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