Ch. 21

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You know the feeling you have when you lost something that you didn't know you would regret losing until it's gone, that's the feeling i have know as i let my mate kill me for a girl he love who is not me. Surprised that my wolf didn't put up a fight and take over to fight back she just sat back in my mind sad for the death of our unborn baby. Growling he squeezed tighter around my neck not planning to let go any sooner.

"I should kill you right now, but that would be to easy" Canines and claws coming out i knew he was only seconds away from shifting."What are you waiting for?" i managed to say relaxing my body underneath his i was showing him that i won't fight back. Squeezing even tighter i gasp for air as he prepared to attack but was thrown off by........Sam?

"Kenzie baby where does it hurt?" is he for real? trying to tell him to get the hell away from me no sound came out. Panicking i tried to move a way from him but the pain stops me. Looking me over he stared at the blood at the end "No kenzie what did he do to you? Don't worry i'll take away his wolf then kill him nice and slow" Okay he lost his mind i wanted to scream for help and to keep this creep away from me.

Answering my prayers Darcy tackled Sam to the ground and started punching him. The fight ended soon as Adele came using her magic to hold Darcy back. "Well enough of that its time to say goodbye to your wolf and life" getting up from the ground Sam wiped his bloody mouth. Trying to get up again I was able to sit up straight. "Don't move my love once this is over we can start our lives together" shaking my head I continue to try to get up.

"Wait you said that me and you would be together forever" Adele said glaring at sam "Eh I say a lot of things to get what I want" he shrugged lifting his hand up "Fuck you" with that she let Darcy go from her hold.

"It's to late now" Sam said to Darcy as he was about to attack him. Watching Sam mutter something I knew what was happening. Using all of my strength I got up and ran to Sam and Darcy shifting in mid run. Before Sam could finish talking I attacked him. It didn't take long for him to shift into his wolf pinning me down. Growling he pushed down on my shoulder dislocating causing me to howl in pain.

Looking at my neck I knew he was going to mark me. Squirming to get out he pushed the paw he had on my dislocated shoulder dawn preventing me from moving. Turning to the side he leaned down and lick my cheek trying to get my attention but all I could look at was Darcy with a blank stare as if he was in his on world. Finally he snaps out of his little world and look at me just as a tear slide down my fur as I close my eyes.

.......I heard growling and a snapping sound then someone nudge me. Opening my eyes Darcy's wolf stared back at me.

He knows. He knows the truth. my wolf says in barely a whisper still grieving over the lost. Groaning I turned away feeling tired and shifted back to my human form.

"No kenzie you got to keep your eyes open" Darcy said as the rest of his pack surrounded us. "Shut up I just want to sleep" I whispered blinking repeatedly until his voice was getting lower and lower as darkness take over.



"Gather up the dead bodies and take the injured to the infirmary. Find the enemy pack members that's still alive and take them to the cells." I ordered as the battle was finally over. The other pack leader was dead so they could only try to escape. Looking down at the pale beauty I tried to kill I held her close to me as the red snow surrounded us.

"Put these on" dropping some shorts and a blanket Tristan stood over me "Come on lets take her to the infirmary" getting up I wrapped the blanket around us and carried my true mate to the infirmary.

Putting one of my shirts on her I didn't let anyone see her but the doctor. "How is she doing doctor?" I've been pacing the room since we arrived and they've took her to the back to be examined. "She dislocated her shoulder and have a concussion we've given her something to keep her awake for a few hours" he said looking at the clipboard trying to avoid eye contact.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" shaking his head he looked everywhere but at me. I swear he is the worst liar ever "Tell me" I said using my alpha voice. Taking a deep breath he told me something I had to sit down for.



Once the doctor left a hour ago nurse Rhonda came to check my vitals "Girl I swear you come here so often that It's your second house" chuckling I shook my head "What can I say I love you and doc so much I'm willing to get hurt a lot just to see y'all"

"Now you know you don't have to get injured just to see us" she smiled "Now what's on your mind?"

"How did you know something's was wrong" shaking her head she said "I know everything now tell me"

"I remember" I whispered "I remember everything from the time I first met him to the time I was being chased" before i could say anything else darcy walks in "I'll leave you two alone" walking out quickly nurse Rhonda left me with the one person i didn't want to be alone with.

"How are you feeling?" walking up to my hospital bed he sat down in look me over "Alright i guess, these pain killers are kicking in" nodding his head silence took over.

"So why are you here?"

"I remember everything and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I've done to you" 

"For what rejecting me or trying to kill me?"

*Flash back*

"Omg he's finally here" girls squealed as they rushed out the door. I guess alpha Reese is here "Mackenzie take out the trash" my dad said walking outside to greet our guest "I was already doing that" I mumbled even though I knew he could hear me "Okay since you're doing that you might as well do all the laundry as well and don't forget your make up you really need it" groaning I was tempted to throw one of many trash bags at him. Doing laundry for 369 wolves was torture. Usually don't wear make up except for eye liner, but he thought I wasn't pretty enough and needed to wear I lot of make up like most girls.

Carrying five trash bags to the trash can I watched people form around the front of the house. Not paying attention I tripped on a fallen branch and was about to fall when someone wrapped there arm around me "Are you okay?" a deep voice asked mate my wolf repeated in my head.

"Yea thanks" looking up at my mate I notice he had black hair and grey eyes. Growling he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the forest making me drop the bags. "What's your name?" he ask once we stopped and he let go of my arm.

"Mackenzie Shaw" I said staring at his beautiful grey eyes. What he said next caught me off guard "I Darcy Reese rejects Mackenzie Shaw from the silver knights pack as my mate" Pain shot threw me like a fire has started in me burning me from the inside out. Not showing him how hurt I was I put up my poker face "I Mackenzie Shaw accept the rejection" watching him flinch a little I knew he felt what I had felt. Not wanting to stay there any long I started to walk away but he stopped me "What no I hate you, why don't you want me, and I'll make you regret your decision?" turning around I smiled at him catching him off guard.

"Don't flatter yourself you're not the only one who has rejected me"  turning back around I walk back to the trash bags.  

*End of Flash back*

"I'm sorry about that day I didn't know what I was thinking" Darcy said also remembering that day "Yea well that makes two of us" Silence took over us until he asked a question I wished he hadn't.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"


Yay the finally got there memory back and remember when they first met.

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