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 Before i even opened my eyes darcy had tackled me to the ground and turned my head away from the crowd.

 Get off of me.I mind linked him trying to get up from under him but only made it up arms length.

 Calm down! He said using his alpha voice. Struggling to tame me he was able to drag both of us upstairs

 "Shift back!" Throwing his shirt at me he waited for me to do what he said. Growling I ignored his command in pounced on him

 Don't you ever use your alpha tone with me. Now it's his turn to growl as he shifted into his own black wolf in pinned me down.

I don't care how mad or drunk you are don't you ever talk to me like that. Now shift back.

Doing what I was told I shifted back into my human form when I sudden wave of dizziness. Maybe I shouldn't have drunk so much..... nah

"Don't try to control me again!" him using his alpha voice on me brought bake to many memories of the past.

"Who do you think you're talking to"

"I'm talking to the only person in the room besides myself"

"It's not my fault that you shifted in front of everyone. What did you do to sabrina anyway?"

 "I didn't do anything to her, well i would have if you didn't stop me"

 "She's your luna in what you did to her is unacceptable. I should kill you right now, but i won't" anger consumed my entire body as i start to shake uncontrollably. How could he pick her side without even hearing my side of the story. Going threw the closet i grabbed a shirt in some basketball shorts in headed straight to the window but not before i gave darcy two words "Fuck you" and i jumped out of the two storied window.

 Walking threw the city i tried to tame my wolf, trust me it's not easy. The desire to kill was overwhelming i can feel my teeth ached for wanting to tare things to shreds. Stumbling into a dark alley I saw a group of men harassing a girl.

Don't do it, don't kill all of them. I kept telling my wolf but she didn't listen all she wanted was blood.

"Where do you think you're going sweet cheeks we're just getting started" one of the men said pulling the girl back towards him. Growling my wolf took over my body in walked towards them.

"Did you guys hear that?" another guy asked in started to look around for an animal or something but instead his eyes found me. Smiling he left the group and slowly walked toward me "Well look what we got here. A beautiful girl all alone in a dark alley"

I couldn't hold her back anymore. Shifting in front of them I heard screams in shouts as I advanced towards them ripping their powerless bodies apart.

"Oh my God somebody help!" the girl screamed running out of the alley and out of the open.


Waking up to one direction is not how I wanted to start my morning. Stretching I got up in headed down stairs, and now I'm blind and deaf.

Sabrina was singing and dancing very badly with her two barbie doll friends.

"Kenzie thank God you're here" Tristan hurriedly got up from the couch in jogged towards the kitchen where I was.

"Out of all the bands in the world you guys play 1D"

"The girls have been torturing us all morning with 1D and Justin bieber and Darcy's not doing anything to stop them. He's been staring at the TV for 30 minutes."

"Give me your phone" walking towards the speakers and unplugged Sabrina's phone swapping it with Tristan's. Scrolling threw his songs I finally found what I was looking for. Everybody talks by neon trees.

"What the hell" Jamie one of Sabrina's minions  yelled. Ignoring her I grabbed Sam and Jared's hand's and pulled them up from the couch. Smiling at them I started dancing with them and soon Tristan joined in on the fun.

"Turn down the music" Darcy said as he turned the TV up. Turning down the music we all sat down looking at the tv.

"What's going on?"

Channel 5 news woman Lisa sparks was talking to a man then turned towards the camera. "When the police came to the scene they found three dead bodies that have deep scratch marks and teeth marks. The witness says she saw a very large dog with red eyes attack the three men who attacked her. Police are now on the look out for a large dog."

Well now I can add the police to my list of people who are looking for me.

Getting up from the couch I stretched my body and walked back up stairs to my room. Closing the door I sighed as  the sense of someone in the room filled my nose.

"Why are you here?"

"Well when I finally found out where you were I had to make sure you were okay"

"Go away adelina" 

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