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 Hey guys sorry that I didn't up date last weekend I have to study for exams while write essays. Hope you enjoy the chapter.


 "There they are. Get them!" running as fast as I could he grabbed my hand pulling me along with him as we run a way from the men's that are chasing us

 "Who are you?" I asked the strange man when we hid in an ally

 "Don't worry about it. I want you to do what ever I say ok" looking into his eyes to decide whether or not to trust him

 "Okay" I whispered as a couple walked past the ally

 "You are no ordinary wolf. You have special blood that has been past down from your granddad on your dad side and others who know about your blood wants to use you."

"Does my dad have this special blood?" I asked trying to figure out who is this guy and is he telling the truth

"No it skips a generation, since you're the first in only child you have it" taking what he said I listen to see if the guys are close

 "What is it? what's in side of my blood?"

 "Your blood makes you and your wolf dangerous and put you in danger as well. Once you start you won't be able to stop" his serious tone was making me nervous and my heart starts to beat rapidly  

 "Then why don't you just kill me in get it over with?"

 "Because I believe you can control your urges" talking more lowly now that we hear lots of foots steps coming our way

 "What urges-"

"Wake up!" opening my eyes to see an annoyed Tristan staring back at me

 "What are you doing here?" I ask as I put the covers over my head only to be pulled all the way off "Hey If you wanted to see me in my underwear you could've just asked"

 "I prefer to look at my girls naked, but we don't have time for that; you have to get ready to meet the pack miss newbie" laughing I went to go back to sleep with no covers "Come on sweet cheeks get up" lifting me like I weighed nothing he carried me to the bathroom and close the door. "You got 30 minutes"

 "Fine" I lied knowing I only need 10 to get ready. After I was done I was still sleepy so I decide to cut my thumb a little in put the blood on the comforter and place it under the bed . Once I thought it looked like I was sleeping under the bed I ran to the place he would never find me.


 "Get the fuck up!" groaning I slowly woke up to a pissed off Tristen who was poking his head out of the window

 "Alright you found me I'm awake now stop yelling" getting up from the roof I slowly climbed back into my new room and walk to the door while Tristen just looked at me "Well are you coming or are you just going to sit there"

 "What took you so long?" darcy being the asshole that he is was waiting impatiently for us to answer him. "Well"

 "Sleep, sleep is what took me so long butterfly" I said sleepily walking past him but he grabbed my arm

"Don't call me that"

 "Call you what?"


 "Aww the big alpha doesn't like his name" Making him mad on purpose his eyes darkened and his grip on my arm tightened

 "You will not call me that"

 "Fine I won't call you that" Walking in front while the boys were behind me I quickly said "Butterfly" and heard a growl from behind. Not taking a second longer I dashed to the back yard where the whole pack was meeting up and was tackled by my obese butterfly. "Get off of me fatty"

 "Fat? Baby this is all muscles" he smirking leaning down so we were only a few inches apart. Can you say bipolar? No really can you, like with a funny accent. (If you are trying to do this while reading you sir/miss are a good sport)

 "Yea sure now get off of me fat- I mean muscles"

 "Yea get off of her" looking up this red head girl was staring at me with hate in her eyes. Getting up darcy went to her side and gave her a kiss while whispering something in her ear.

 "Who is she?" I asked Tristen while looking at the red head

 "That's Sabrina darcy girlfriend"

 "I didn't know darcy had a mate" still looking at her I was wondering why her

 "He doesn't I guess you can say he's using her until he finds his mate. Plus she's the strongest female fighter"

 "I hope his real mate doesn't seem like a bitch like her" saying to loudly red head walked over to where we were and stood right in front of me

 "What did you call me?" she asked crossing her arms trying to look intimidating, key word 'trying'

 "You got super hearing so I won't have to repeat myself"

 "You better watch what you say to your new luna" she flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked to darcy in gave him a kiss while giving me a glare before walking away. After looking at her flat ass darcy smirked and walked over to us.

 "Out of all the she wolfs picked her as a luna" rolling his eyes darcy walked to the back porch so everyone can see him and begin the ceremony.

 "What's going on alpha?" a guy with jet black hair asked as people whispered to one another

"Mackenzie here would like to join our pack" gesturing for me to walk up there. Walking up the steps I felt everyone's eyes on me.


After the whole repeat after me and all that other stuff you do at a ceremony everyone was getting undressed. Yes you read it right.

"Um what's going on?" I ask Tristan as he took off his shirt and let me tell you he's not that bad to look at. Seriously I just want to touch his six pack and and...what was I talking about?

"We're getting ready for the pack run"

"The pack what?"

"Run now hurry up n change into your wolf" changing Into his light brown wolf Tristan was waiting for me.

"Um do I have to change into my wolf?"

"Yes it's part of the ceremony. Why don't you want to change into your wolf" Darcy mind linked me as his wolf approached us

"It's a long story. Just do I really have to shift" shifting from a different foot I silently prayed that I don't have to shift.

I can't let them find out

"Yes you have to now hurry up" he ordered then left with Tristan following him

"Now how are we suppose to hide it?" ivy asked nervously

"I don't know"


Sorry again for taking so long guys I'll try to keep updating on weekends like I was doing. Don't forget to vote & comment

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