Ch. 18

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"If the cub doesn't die right away would you kill it even if you didn't die today?" All I saw was red. Growling I grabbed doc by the throat. "IF HE IS STILL ALIVE I WOULD NEVER KILL HIM OR GIVE HIM UP. I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR ASKING THAT."

"Even if a pack doesn't accept y'all. Let's face it no back wants a she-wolf who got kicked out of two packs."


"So you would go rogue" he stated trying to brake free of my grasp making me squeeze tighter "What if it get attack by another rogue. What if it goes into a pack boarder without realizing it and get attacked."

"I WOULD KILL THEM ALL. NO ONE WILL TOUCH MY CUB. I WILL TRAIN IT TO BE-" his laughter/wheeze cut me off "To be what? Like you-"

"No" I whispered thinking about the last question. Letting him go I backed away shaking my head. "To be it self" I said pausing trying to find the right words "I would train him to fullest knowing that whenever I'm gone it can protect it self"

"But what if it turns out to be like you?" catching his breath he straightened up and look me in the eye "What if instead of skipping its generation it becomes a hellhound and have the urges to kill anything that breathes in its direction unable to control itself. What would you do?"

"I would stop it, even if it means I have to kill my baby boy or girl. I would train it the best way I could to control the demon's that's controlling it" smiling a sad smile at my answer he took a deep "Well if some how you make it tonight you shouldn't shift. It could get hurt or worse die"

"Don't worry I won't die tonight if things work out the way I want it to" confusion surface his face and before he could say something Tristan and Sam walked in.

"Is she done doc?" Sam asked as Tristan looked at the floor "Sadly yes, she's done" saying goodbye before leaving the room I ran back to him embracing him with a hug. Caught off guard he slowly hug me back "You really is my favorite person in the world." I whispered finally let him go I left with the boys.

"Where are we going?" I asked Tristan who was avoiding me "To the pack prison" Sam answered. Annoyed I stop walking and grabbed Tristan arm pulling him to face me "Okay I can take everyone avoiding me except for you Tristan" Out of all the people I wasn't expect him to act like this.

"I'm not avoiding you" for the first time I heard his voice it was so low I almost didn't hear him. "Then look me in the eyes and tell me that you're not avoiding me"

Shaking his head he tried to walk away but I wouldn't let him "Kenzie we have to-"

"Look at me and tell me you're not fucking avoiding me" sighing he lifted his head and looked me in the eye. Sadness was in his eyes at me. Slowly a tear fall from his eye "I'm....I'm.....nnnnot-" cutting him off I gave him a hug feeling his tears wetting my shoulder "You're like my baby sister Kenz. I don't want to see you die" rubbing his back in a soothing motion I pulled back from him and looked at him. His eyes was red and bags hung under his eyes from lack of sleep "Don't cry over me, you got Layla for that." I said pain crossed his face as a vicious growl came out.

"She going to get executed with you" shocked I shook my head trying to process this new information. "Why"

"The new Luna convinced Darcy that she should die since she was helping you. When I heard about it I went after Darcy. That was the first time we had a fight, he ended up locking her in a cell"

"Why can't you get her out? you're the beta you should know the codes and stuff."

"He made sure to change the code to y'all cell. I tried to brake the door apart but he had the electric field up. I didn't stop trying until I passed out" he sighed

"Where's Heidi?" I haven't seen her since I've been here. "She got in trouble with the alpha about the Luna.When she heard we got you she didn't want to believe that you were going to die. She's been locked in your room ever since." sighing her rubbed the back of his neck "We got to go"


"I got one question be for I get ready to kill you" standing in front of me and Layla cell "Why did you kill him?"

"You want the truth?"

"No I want you to lie to me, yes I want the truth" he wouldn't believe me even if I did tell him the truth, but it's only right for me to tell him. Telling him the whole story I..... who am I kidding I summarized the whole story about me and Cole from when I met him, the things he told me, and the situation when we was caught and Jeremy killed him.

"She's lying honey" Diana said stepping next to him crossing her arms while glaring at me.

"How would you know?" Getting up from the uncomfortable bed Layla walked up to me glaring at Diana "How would you know if you weren't there?"

"She told me she killed him when she came back. The guilt was killing her, she needed to tell someone and I was around at the time"

"I told you what I told him" I stated remembering our conversation. "I'm surprise I even told you. I still hate you"

"Everybody hates her!!!!!!" Layla yelled throwing her hands up in the air walking around in a circle then sat on the bed. "Don't talk to her like that" Darcy growled stepping close to the cell

"I will when you get the stick from up your ass and come to your senses that your supposedly "mate" is lying you stupid prick." she ranted, before he could do anything one of his pack member told him everyone was ready. Leaving the only person with us is Diana. When everyone was out of hearing distance she smiled at us.

"Uh finally there gone and soon you'll be gone" she smiled

"Finally the real you shows I was so annoyed with the fake you" rolling my eyes I crossed my arms "So why are you still here?"

"Since it's not my fault that you're going to die he won't kill me" she laughed "I mean I tried to not get you killed until you start acting like a bitch. I'll tell you a little secrete" leaning closer to the cell she had a stupid grin on her face "I was the one who made the deal with the werewolf who takes away others. Using a very powerful witch we took away you and Darcy's memory of each other, but the best part of the deal was that the witch switched his mates. Instead of you being his mate she made me his."

"So that's who you were talking to on the phone at the store" Layla eyes widen at realization

"Yep but the spell wore off quicker than normal. For some reason your mate bond is stronger than other causing us to re do it. Since Darcy's mine the boss still wants you for some reason and won't rest until he gets you" letting the information sink in I was being pissed She stole my mate! my wolf was going crazy begging to come out but I held her back.

Stepping closer so the the only thing keeping us apart is the electric field looking at her eye to eye I said coldly "When I get out of here. And I do plan on getting out of here. I will break all of your bones and laugh while you cry out in pain, but that's not all I will cut your hair off off your head and cut your tongue out shoving it down your throat. And if for some miracle you're still alive I will shove a knife in your vagina and slowly go in and out, you know for sleeping with my mate"

"Is that a threat?" she challenged

"No a promise"

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