Ch. 24

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All night people have been staring at me and it was starting to get on my nerves. That's not all that was getting on my nerves Darcy has been staring at me wherever I went.

"Hey" someone said from behind me. Turning around to see a guy with blonde hair looking down at me "Would you like to dance?". "What?" frowning I was surprised that one of the pack members would talk to me let alone want to dance with me. "Would you like to dance?" he asked again. Cautiously I took the guys hand keeping my guard up.

The song that was playing was a slow song. Putting his hand on my waist and grabbing my hand I put my other hand on his shoulder as we start dancing. Looking up I caught him looking to the side at something or should I say someone. It was Sabrina Darcy's girlfriend from when I first came here.

Smiling I got closer to him and whisper in his ear "You know I don't like being used" stiffening he look down at me "I'm sorry it's just... she said s-she doesn't want m-me as her mate and I-I thought if I make her jealous....." he trailed off.

"She would want you" I finished looking at her one more time then back at him "What's your name?"

"Kevin" smirking I got even more closer "Well Kevin let's make your mate jealous" Smiling he nodded in agreement as we got as close as we could as his hand went to my lower back. Slowly we dance to her line of vision where she would see us.

"Why out of all the girls here you pick me to dance with you?" I asked the question that has been on my mind "Well I remembered that you two didn't get along so why not you" "Plus I like you"

"You do?" I'm surprised I found someone other than my friends in this pack that likes me. "Yea" he leans in and whisper "Because you're not the only hellhound in this pack" Shocked I was pulled away from Kevin before I could say something.

Looking in Kevin direction he was pulled away too. A low growl was heard behind me and the burning sensation started immediately I instantly knew who it was. Pulling out of Darcy grip on my arm I turned to face him. As soon as the burning sensation increase I pulled away from him.

"What are you doing dancing with my mate?" Sabrina growled probably think of different ways to kill me. "He's your mate?" I faked gasped as my eyes widened "Yes now stay away from him or else Sam is going to have a new friend next to him" with that she grab Kevin's hand and walked away.

Starting to walk away Darcy grabbed my hand and I instantly pulled back "Don't touch me or I'll feel the pain again" when mates are rejected a burning sensation starts whenever the mates touch as a reminder that one or both of us choose not to be together. "Sorry" he quickly muttered.

"Would you like to dance?" Stretching out his hand I hesitate about dancing with him "Please" looking at his hand I grabbed it and walked where it wasn't to crowded. Pulling me closer to him as we slowly dance. "I know it hurts but bare with it for a moment" he whispered in my ear

"You look beautiful"

"Thanks you Don't look bad yourself" even though he rejected me I can still feel the mate pull taking over me as I laid my head on his chest. Smiling we danced a little more before someone interrupted us.

"Why are we acting like nothing happened!?" A women yelled causing everyone to look at her "like that thing over there didn't cause the death of our friends and family!" she shouts pointing at me and I look at the ground trying to control my anger. "She's a killer like the rest of her kind. She even killed her own baby, the Alphas baby. She doesn't deserve to be Luna-" her speech was cut off by two growls. One was mines and an even louder one was Darcy's.

"Pathetic" I said in a low voice but I knew everyone heard me "Excuse me" she said

"All you can do is point out the negatives, but did you ever think that if this didn't happened Sam would still be alive taking people's wolf from them along with their true mate" I said still looking "If I never had come here you wouldn't have known the real Sam until it was to late"

With that I walked off into the forest trying my best to calm down.



"What an attention hoe" the Kayla said crossing her arms "How dare you say that about my mate and your future luna" I growled causing her and everyone around me to cringe back away from me.

"But she's the reason why our pack members are dead, why Danny is dead" everyone looked at her with widen eyes as she spoke.

"Your not the only one who lost someone Kayla" I said referring to the lost pup "But-" "Enough!" I yelled cutting her off then walking into the woods fallowing Mackenzie sent until I found her pacing while taking deep breathes.

"She's right" she finally said frowning I shook my head "It's not your fault" "You didn't know about Sam and that witch of his"

"It is my fault!" She shouted as her eyes starts turning red "If I had just stayed away from you... from this pack none of this would have happened"

"No it probably would have been worse!" Now I was yelling "If you never came here this pack would have been manipulated by Sam, I would have been still manipulated and you my dear" walking slowly towards her she growled lowly but still let me touch her cheek "Would have somebody else as a mate who I probably would have killed him since you're mine and only mine" I whispered watching her red eyes slowly turn back to her beautiful brown eyes.

"Is this the part where I still say it's my fault or you lean down and kiss me?" She asked looking at my lips then to my eyes.

"Hmm I think I prefer the second option" with that I leaned down and kissed her. Battling for dominance I quickly won. Leaving her soft lips to her neck I licked and bite the place where her mark would be ignoring the burning sensation reminding me what I did a few years ago. What a stupid decision I had made.

Mark her! My wolf growled out trying to get control but I held him back. Growling I looked at Mackenzie silently asking her if I could mark her.

Nodding her head Yes I crashed my lips to hers while lifting her up and slam her against a tree as her soft moans filled my ears. Slowly kissing her jaw line down to her neck I licked the spot where her neck and shoulder met "Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes" she said her voice barely above a whisper. Kissing the spot I extended my teeth and bit down. Pushing my chest I knew it hurt but I had to do it. I wasn't goin to let her go again. Sealing the wound I pulled back to look at it.

"How does it look?" Smiling I look at her "Beautiful"



Here's another chapter I hope you enjoyed it.

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