Ch. 23

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Walking down the steps a hand stops me forcing me to look at them. Looking at the hand i slowly looked up to face Darcy. "Let me go" He was making it harder for me to leave and burning sensation that reminds us that we are rejected mates was not helping the pain either. "Wait... you said we needed to talk. Well i've let you talk now its my turn" he said with a pleading look. Nodding my head we walked back to his room he sat on the side of the bed while i sat in front of the bed. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Do you want to know why i hated you?" he asked. Well since it's a yes or no question "No I don't" tuning to the side to face me he sent glares at me making me laugh "I'm just kidding although you would've told me even if i wanted to or not"

 Shaking his head he took a deep breath before he spoke "Remember they said my farther was killed by rogues?" nodding my head he continued to speak "Well they weren't regular rogues. They were hell hounds and since then i thought all hell hounds are the same. That they just kill for fun and do whatever they want even if knowing the penalty is death"

 "I was happy that they found the ones responsible for my fathers death that i personally was going to kill them. I had some pack members gather the rogues up in one cell and asked them why they killed my father and do you know what they said?"

Shaking my head i looked at the ground waiting for him to tell me "Nothing they said nothing they just sat there and laugh until i finally snapped and killed them all slow and painfully. That's why i hate hell hounds with a passion and i think that's why i rejected you and treated you the way i did. I guess what i'm trying to say is can i have a second chance? i want to start over." silence surounded us as he waited for my answer.

Questions rushed to my head all at once. Should i given him another chance? Should we start over and forget everything that happened? Before I could answer someone knocked on the door. Growling Darcy got up and answer the door with me behind him.

"I'm extremely sorry alpha she caught me off guard" the guy from down stairs said in one breath "I'll take her away from you now" grabbing my arm he pulled me from behind Darcy.

"That's okay Ryan she can stay" opening and closing his mouth Ryan was about to say something but I spoke before he could "No that's okay I was leaving anyways" using this chance to escape I walked past the two men and headed down the stairs for the second time without anyone stopping me this time.

"Mackenzie" walking up behind me Darcy stopped a few feet away "Before you leave come to the party tonight"

"There's a party tonight?" I asked still facing the front door "Yea. To celebrate winning the battle. We could also make it a goodbye party for you" More like a good riddance party I thought if it was the pack making the title of the party. "Ummm" I said moving my hair behind my ear "I don't think that's a good idea. Wouldn't your pack be mad"

"They'll get over it. You're my mate and I want you to come"

"No I'm your rejected mate" I corrected crossing my arms over my chest. Hurt was in his eyes as he took a deep breath before saying "Look I know I screwed up but I want another chance. Don't leave yet... at least give me one more chance and then you can decide if you want to be with me or not." before I could say no Heidi came in grabbing my hand and practically dragged me up the stairs into her room. "What the actual fuck!" she yelled turning around to look at me.

"You were planning on leaving without saying goodbye" looking down at the floor I nodded my head "Why?"

 "I'm.... not the whole saying goodbye while crying and hugging type of girl. I just thought it would be easier to just leave"

"It might have been okay in your old pack, but in this pack if you're leaving. You say goodbye. At least to the people" she says with a growl "I'm sorry" I whispered turning around to leave "Goodbye"

"Whoa whoa whoa" quickly walking towards me she stops me "Where do you think you're going?" "Umm I was going to leave pack ground" shaking her head she pulled me to her bed pushing me on it "No your going to that party tonight"

"No way. I don't feel like being glared at for hours" I said truthfully. I really didn't want to be the center of attention in a bad way "Do it for Darcy"

"The only thing I'll do for Darcy is kick his bipolar ass to the curbs" One minute we're cool then he's mad at me next he hates me then next thing you know I wants to be with me. Like make up your mind.

"Why won't you give him a chance?"

"Why should I he's just like everyone else"

"Maybe he'll change" I laughed at that "Darcy and changed doesn't go in the same sentence. Sure he changed at the beginning of our memory lost but end the end he came back to his old self"

"If he changed then he can change now"

"You don't understand" shaking my I was surprised when she smacked me "I don't understand? I don't understand!" she yelled the last part "My mate is dead. Dead! because of what happened to you and Darcy most likely happened to me and my mate except we weren't strong enough like you and him."

"My mate and me was so deep under sam and his witch control that it was to late for us to be together, but it's not to late for you and Darcy. You to might be together if you would stop being a bitch and given him another chance" taking a breath after her speech she finally calmed down.

"Look I know he makes mistakes, but we all do. It's in the past"

"Are you saying I should forget what he did?"

"No I'm not saying you should forget. All I'm saying is you should give him a chance don't judge him based on his past, judge him based on what he does now" I was always judging people who hurt me based on their past. I knew it was one of my major flaws. It was the only way I could keep them out of my life for good.

"Fine I'll give him another chance" smiling she gave me a hug "And I'm sorry for bringing back painful memories about your mate"

"It's okay" with one final squeeze she pulled away "Enough of this sad crap let's get you ready for the party. We're gonna make sure Darcy realize what he was missing" groaning I lay back down on the bed.


"Done" layla said finishing my makeup. Slipping on my black heels with silver straps around it I walked to the full length mirror and was surprised at what I saw my dress was a black and white hi-lo dress with black lace in the front. (dress pic on the side) My hair was styled into a waterfall hairstyle. Layla didn't go heavy on the makeup, just smokey black eye shadow with black eyeliner.

"Wow" was all I could say as I continue to look at my self "That's what he'll be saying when he see you. Now is time for us to get ready"



"Dude stop worrying she'll be here" Tristan said watching me scan the crowd for the millionth time tonight as the party was now in full swing. "I can't help it. What if she left"

"She didn't leave now stop-"

"What?" I asked looking at him to notice him and every other guy in the room staring at something or should I say someone. "I told you she didn't leave" growling I ignored him and made my way to the most beautiful thing I ever saw.

"You've made it" I said looking at what she was wearing while trying to calm my wolf down. Being close to her was making him wanting to claim her again even if it was a couple of feet away. "I decided to give you another chance" smiling I was happy that she was giving me another chance. "But" she said walking closer to me to the point where her lips brush against mines.

"Treat me like you had been before. I'll rip you to pieces then feed you to the rogues" groaning I was trying even harder to keep my wolf under control. Smirking she walked off and joined Layla and Heidi.

Everything was running threw my mind. She's giving me another chance, I need to talk to the pack, and I'm extremely horny.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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