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Darcy on the side ------>


"How are you going in heat if you haven't found your mate yet?" Heidi ask trying to figure out what's going on. "Don't tell me you found him in didn't tell me"

"I don't know" I said nervously taking a sip of my drink "How do you not know?" crossing her arms I knew she wouldn't let it go so easily. Sighing I ate some of my food trying to ignore her, keyword trying.

"It's complicated"

"Then uncomplicated" noticing I wasn't going to say anything she took a deep breath "Fine just tell me if he's going to reject you or not"

"I don't know" letting that slip out of my mouth I received a death glare


"Hey kenzie can you help me with something?" getting out of the car heidi ran in the house still pissed that I didn't tell her anything. Looking under a run down car Sam was trying to fix he stretched out his hand. "Can you hand me the wrench?"

"I didn't know you know how to fix cars?" handling him the wrench I watched him twist some screws tight. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me" nodding in agreement I really haven't taken the time to get to know him since I been here.

Finally coming out from under the car he grabbed one of the dirty wash cloth from a cart I was standing next to. Stiffening he start sniffing until a deep low growl came out. "You're in heat" his eyes we're going in and out as he tried to gain control.

"Yea I think I'm just gonna go" trying to walk around him making sure we don't touch I was pushed up against the wall. Crying out In pain from being touched by someone who's not my mate I start  thrashing out trying to get him off of me.

"You smell so good" he whispered slowly leaning forward

"Get the hell off of me" I screamed as more pain exploded throughout my entire body while he pressed more of his body into mines. Looking into his eyes, he lost all control the that was left of him.

"What the actual fuck?" throwing Sam across the room into a pile of different types of parts for a car Tristan looked back at me. "Are you alright?" touching my face to inspect it I scream in pain instantly pulling away from him. Frowning in confusion he took one whiff and his eyes grew wild.

"Who the fuck you been with while I've been sitting here worrying about you?" putting his hands on his hip with a raised brow he waited for me to answer.

Laughing I shook my head "If it makes you feel better I only have my eyes on you, but this isn't the time plus I don't think you or your wolf can handle smelling me even more" with that said I opened the door and ran up to my room.


Unknown pov

"You wanted me?" I asked nervously because it's a 50/50 chance whenever he wants to talk to me about is  going to be good.

"WHY IS SHE IN HEAT?" his voice boomed threw the phone and I winced

"I don't know sir maybe they're stronger than we thought" biting my bottom lip I waited for further instructions

"We will have to do it again but even stronger. Be ready" with that he ended the call


(week later)


I can't take it anymore my body was shaky, irritated, and burning with need for attention from a certain someone. Groaning I couldn't take it anymore, after staying in my room for a week I finally decided to go to the kitchen. Thanking God Darcy isn't here.

"I said I'll take care of it later" Darcy growled walking up the steps. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Him being so near my urges grew 10 folds. I couldn't take it anymore, walking up the steps leading to his bedroom I slowly opened his door. Hearing the shower running I slowly opened and closed the door inhaling his scent sending shivers throughout my body.

Without a second thought I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower with him.


Sorry for taking so long. Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. please vote & comment

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