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I felt a strong arm grab my shoulder roughly pulling me towards the large gate before I snapped back into reality for a split second.

I turn to see Harry with concern in his eyes as he says something, but I can't hear it because everything seems to be a complete blur.

"Abella!" I hear Harry almost yell as he shakes me again.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows while looking me directly in the eyes.

"I- I'm not sure.. he just ... Fell and I witnessed it. Harry I saw it all.. and I couldn't do anything to help." I said as tears fill my eyes joining the ones that are already pouring down my face.

"Hey Abella, look at me" Harry says place his large palm on my chin turning it towards him. "You couldn't have done anything even if you tried. Everything happens for a reason."

I felt angered by his words because he just didn't get it. This is always happening to me, and I'm tired of being helpless.

Although, instead of saying anything I nod and wipe the tears off my face to avoid him judging me like everyone else has.

I don't even notice Harry is holding my hand until he says,

"Let's go look for somewhere to eat alright? They have some delicious crêpes a few blocks down."

So I simply nod again, and he is about to take his hand away from me but instead I squeeze it tighter because honestly, right now I'm not stable enough to walk around this crowded city not wanting to get lost. Plus, I kind of liked his hand around mine.

Harry gave me a confused look, but then shrugged it off as we started walking in the direction of where he parked his car.


I thought being able to eat would be much more difficult, but man these crêpes were delicious.

The fluffiness of the crepe complimented the taste of chicken, spinach and a variety of cheeses.

I couldn't help but let out a sound of approval and give Harry a thumbs up for picking this place.

He simply smiled and said, "I knew you'd like it."

We continued to talk about things we had in common until we were both finished eating.

I then thanked Harry endlessly as we drove back home. He not only drove me all the way here, being a complete stranger, but consoled me and bought me food. It couldn't get any better than that.

It was silent for a few moments before my curiosity got the best of me.

"Harry can I ask you a question?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah. Of course Abella." he glanced at me before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Why is that one scent of soap so important to you?"

My apologies for the short chapter.

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