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After my aunt showed me to my room, I quietly observed it.

The room had a bed next to the window that was decorated with floral curtains that were almost see through, I didn't see the point in them, but was grateful they at least added a little more pep compared to the pale blue walls. There was small white wired butterflies hung on the right wall, right above the darker blue closet. The carpet was a light brown that complimented the floral rugs, that matched the curtains.

Next to the bed was a dresser, and a desk with a mirror hung above it on the other side. The room was quite big, and was absolutely perfect despite the few girly things.

I set down one of the many boxes I brought on the pale wooden desk. I clasped my hands together slowly rubbing off the dusk from the old boxes, watching as the small particles of dusk landed on the ground making them noticeable in the pure sunlight.

My parents had left earlier, and although I should miss them, I actually don't. Maybe not yet anyways since they just left.

Aunt Beth came in, her small skinny fingers holding a small notebook and a black pen. I gave her a questioning look as she handed me the notebook.

"I'm going grocery shopping, write a list of things you'd like please." She smiled her dark red lips curved at the end sending me a comforting feeling just by the small gesture.

"Alright, are you sure you don't want me to come with?" I questioned slightly turning my head.

"It's fine, take this moment to get settled into your new room, and unpack some of the many boxes you have." With a light chuckle she left my thoughts and me behind to think about the things I needed for about the next month or so.

With the neatest hand writing I could muster, I tried writing the list, some letters slightly above or under the blue notebook lines. Although it was not the best, it was legible.

I glanced over the list once more making sure that was all, and with a satisfying grin I gave the list to my Aunt who was downstairs in the kitchen. Thanking her once again, I picked up some more moving boxes from the living room carrying them up once more to my room.

Those stairs would be the death of me, I swear.


Not even getting half way settled in I realized it was already night time, and Aunt Beth and I just finished eating dinner.

I flop onto the small bed finally resting after a long and unpredictable day. As exhausted as I am, I can't fall asleep. Truth was I'm scared to fall asleep, terrified of what I would see that night in my dreams, but my body begged to differ with my mind as I drifted in unconsciousness.


"Please don't!" the women shrieks, shielding what seems to be a child from a man.

"How dare you disobey me!" he roars.

He seems to ignore the pleading woman as he throws her aside getting an advantage of getting to the child easier.

The man begins to tug at his belt loop, slowly pulling it off his blue jeans, he wraps the brown leather around his knuckles whipping the hanging end repeatedly on the child.

The child begins to scream and cry loudly, its sobs escaping its small mouth as it cowers into the corner of the white wall as much as it can. I start screaming for the man to stop, but nothing comes from my mouth as I try as hard as I can.

As the man continues to repeatedly whip the child, I notice the woman was no longer on the floor crying. Frantically searching, I see her nowhere in sight.

Had she left the child behind?

"Help!!" I try screaming out, once again nothing comes out.

Only the sound of the leather belt hitting the child's bare skin is loud in the empty white room. I see the boy is still crying, his small body now weakening under the rough leather.

I search frantically once more for the woman who was here recently, but see no one. She seemed to be the only one who could help the child, but was no where to be found.

Finally I have had enough, the belt was leaving harsh red marks on the boys pure skin as his body begun to get weaker, the beatings were slowly killing the boy. I squinted my eyes and with all the anger and fear built up in me, I screamed.

I screamed so loud, as loud as I could with all my might. So hard so loud, I could feel my voice leaving an ache behind in my throat.

So hard and loud that even my own ears became momentarily deaf.

So loud even blow horns couldn't compare.


That was it, that was enough. The man slowly stopped turning around and giving me a death glare finally noticing me, the belt tightly held around his now white knuckles. He jaw clenched and face as red as the child's discordant unforgiving marks.

Before he or I could even say anything, there was a loud gun shot.

The man fell to the ground clutching his chest, groaning in pain as a scarlet red liquid poured through his rough hands leaving the belt stranded on the floor.

I stare wide-eyed to see the woman from earlier holding a silver gun in her shaking hands.

Dry tears marked her red cheeks as a frightened look filled her face.

She rushes to the boy in corner dropping the silver gun. Grabbing the unconscious child in her arms she passes right through me. Almost as if I'm a ghost.

I look down to my body, and see nothing.


what even this is horrible omg kms




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