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It was a quite loud evening, a lot of people rushing around.

They all seemed to have a place to be, yet here I was standing in the middle of the grey sidewalk staring at everyone rush by.

Some gave me disgusted looks, and others cursed at me for not moving from my spot.

I have no idea how I got here, nor do I have one idea of where I am.

I look around to see a lot of tall buildings and resturants.

Most buildings are tall glass with the bright sun reflecting off of them.

Others were black or white, or both.

There was one building in particular, that stood out from the rest.

It was a tall yellowish-brown color, with a tall black cross standing proud at the very top of its peak.

It was a cathedral.

There was a huge white clock with black numeral letters and hands that read the time:


I gawked at it for a while before being shoved nearly to the ground by some people who were tired of me not moving.

I walked towards the cathedral, which was very difficult due to the fact there was an abundant amount of people.

When I finally got inside the grassed gates, I looked up to see the clock again.

And there I saw him, a figure standing next to the clock about to jump off.






And he fell.

But the loud sound of the bell ringing still continued as people started in dismay.



"Abella, wake up your alarm has been ringing forever." I heard my aunt grunt as she turned off my alarm.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was indeed, having a dream.

Slowly pushing out of bed, I saw my aunt scramble out of my room and downstairs.

I got ready for today even though it was nothing important, I just wanted to get up to say goodbye to my aunt, and keep a healthy sleeping schedule.

When I was done, I walked downstairs to see my aunt grabbing her purse about to leave.

"Bye Abella." She hugged me.

"Bye." I hugged back giving her a small wave.

When she was gone, I walked back upstairs with a bowl of cereal and got out my lap top.

Typing "Cathedral Near Me" into google.

A lot of results popped up but all from the same cathedral.

I clicked on a picture of it, and surly enough it was the one I saw in my dream.

It was barely 9:05, but I had no clue how to get there.

Sighing, I closed my laptop thinking of someone who could take me 20 minutes away from here.

I couldn't take the bus, unless I wanted to get there tomorrow since the buses here go what seems like 5 mph.

I couldn't call a taxi because they charge way too much.

Suddenly a thought popped into my head:


And before I knew it, I was rushing down the stairs and out the front door.

I crossed the yard and began knocking.

There was no sign of him so I knocked again.


"Please open the door." I prayed silently.

I began knocking ferociously, now impatient.

The door swung open revealing a rather tired looking Harry.

He was shirtless (of course he had to be) in nothing but some gym shorts.

His hair was tousled in all directions, and my once determined plan now was crumbling before my eyes because I couldn't concentrate on anything other than his rather fit-

"Abella?" His deep voice spoke.

It was his morning voice, wow have I ever felt luckier.

"Um.. yeah. Hi." I said fiddling with my fingers.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

If someone came knocking on my door waking me up, I would punch them in the face before slamming the door and going back to sleep.

But OF COURSE Harry didn't, he was too sweet. At times.

"Yeah.. I was wondering if you could take me uptown? You know I haven't really seen the city much, and it's totally okay if you have something else to do or-" I began rambling but was cut off by Harry speaking.

"Sure. Let me get ready."

I stood there in utter surprise because we were basically strangers, and he actually said yes.

"Want to come in?" He asked stepping away from the door.

"Yeah.. sure." I say stepping into his house.

"You can sit down, I'll be right back." and with that, he was jogging up the stairs.

I did as I was told, and sat on a bar stool swinging my legs back and forth.

Before I knew it, he was walking down the stairs while looking down at his phone.

This time he was actually wearing a shirt (sadly), and some fitted black jeans and a Green Bay packers snap back facing backwards.

"Ready?" he asked.



1. Does Abella go to school?

Yes, she goes to the university, and if you didn't know their breaks are soooo long so she does, but is on break currently.

2. Did Abella's parents disown her?

No, they wanted wanted a break from her and her weird dreams (rude ik)

3. How does Harry afford a huge house?

He makes bank, bam. just kidding you'll find out later.

Any other questions will be revealed later, but if you have any more, direct message me or comment!!!

Thanks BYEE



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