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This seemed to be my 15th bar of soap I've smelled today, not that I was counting.

For some reason this morning I woke up wanting to explore and buy some new things, and somewhere between shopping for clothes and buying lunch, I stopped at an interesting shop.

To be quite fair, I haven't got one clue why. I mean I didn't need any soap, it's just this was organic soap, and they didn't have any of this stuff at home, so why not was the real question.

I decided for the outrageously high cost, and fancy packaging I might as well take one that smells nice, so here I am sniffing every single bar on display.

It seems to be taking longer especially since I made up a rule that even if I already smelled it, I do a double take just in case.

The small bell at the front of the shop dings, signaling someone has come in. I pay no attention to it, until I hear a rather familiar husky voice.

I look up and see no one, but the bored cashier twirling her black hair, so I return to my smelling spree picking up a few more bars, and of course, smelling them.

It takes about 5 more lavender, (all from different countries of course) and 6 more cucumber scented bars of soap, when I finally decide getting a lilac and mango one.

I walk up around the small shop checking to see if there is anything else I like. Only odd decorations and expensive wines line the store.

With one final sniff at the soap, my eyes flutter closed at the lovely sensation of freshness from the mango, and florally soothing smell of the lilacs. I nod to myself knowing this is the one and walk confidently to the counter.

A tall male is standing next to the counter talking to the cashier, not really talking anymore since he is now practically yelling.

"What do you mean you don't have anymore?" he yells slamming his rather large hands onto the counter, causing the cashiers eyes to widen and back away slightly.

"It's j-just a bar of s-soap." she stutters trying to calm the guy down.

"IT IS NOT JUST SOAP!" he booms, smacking the counter harder.

The young cashier looks flustered as she looks around in confusion. Suddenly her eyes widen as she catches a glimpse of the bar of soap in my hands, and points at it.

"She has it." the cashier almost whispers pointing at the small object in my hands.

The tall yelling male slowly turns around looking directly at the soap in my petite hands, he calms down and stares at me.

I squint my eyes recognizing him from somewhere.

That husky voice.

The curly hair.

Those pink lips.

I try to remember who he is, but i can't seem to.

My eyes squint even more as I glare at him, clenching my jaw, and holding onto the bar of soap tighter. I feel my very small chewed nails ripping through the packaging of the soap from how tight I was holding it.

"Of course it had to be you." the male says rolling his eyes.

"Do I know you?" I scoff and repeat his actions, rolling my eyes as well.

"What have you got there?" he asks almost curiously strolling closer to me.

"What's it to you?" I ask holding my ground as he towers over me.

"IYou have the bar of soap I want." he replies.

"There is literally a whole shelf of other sopa you can get." I exclaim rolling my eyes once more.

"But I want that one." he replies smirking, while taking a large step closer.

"Can you stop smirking for one damn second and move out of my way? I'm trying to buy a bar of soap for goodness sake!" I yell pushing past him, the few customers in the shop look our way, but I ignore them determined to buy this damn bar of soap.

But man, this guy has some guts as he yanks the bar of soap from my handsand examining the small rectangular box containing the soap I spent forever to find.

"What? You've never seen a bar of soap before?" I say attempting to pull it out of his hands, but of course fail because he holds it up above my head, his tall frame creating an advantage for him.

"Yes, actually I have, in fact this is the very soap I use." he replies smugly.

"Is that so? Well there's more over there." I say gesturing to the back of the small store hoping to trick him, knowing very well this was the last bar of this kind of soap.

"No, this is the last one." he says says surly, clenching his jaw.

For the first time I notice his green eyes, they seem more alert, as he squints them at me, almost in concentration. More like determination. I notice his features are rather attractive now that he's very close. The light and the closeness didn't even do his features justice because they were so stunning. If only he didn't annoy me so much he wouldn't be that bad.

"Well I found it first." I say finally being able to yank it out of his hands, and snap out of my trace. "Perhaps now is the time to change your soap scent, and stop acting like an immature middle schooler."

With that I walk to the cash register and pay, the cashier looking embarrassed as I walk out of the small store, causing the little bell to ring.

Without even turning around, I know he's standing there dumbfounded and angry.


By the time it's 6 in the afternoon, I am carrying more bags than I am able to, so I walk to the parking lot and pile them all in my Aunt's car that she let me use.

With that, I drive home getting lost a few times.

When I finally get home, I unload all the bags and unlock the door to the infamous red door that made me fall in love with this house in the first place.

My aunt is surprisingly not home yet, so I walk up into my room and begin unloading some of the new things I have bought.

Suddenly as I am taking out the clothes from a random store, a note pops out. It seems to be written in a rush as the letters are barely legible.

"this will be the one and only time you take the last bar of soap. see you tonight darling. x"

Confused, I roll my eyes while crumbling the small note and tossing it in the trash.

*・: .・*:.。..:*

Sorry for the slow updates.

I wrote this on my phone, so I don't know if it's short or not, but please excuse me if it is. Also excuse any funky words, auto correct is a bitch.

Comment and vote please I check out everyone's account who do, and will drop a message or vote or follow in there somewhere.


guys also some of you may be like why soap?

And it's a funny story because this actually happened to me except for the part where the very attractive guy tries to steal it from me.

So sad

I actually didn't buy the soap either.. I was with my sister and we literally smelled all of them. And then realized that we didn't even need any so yeah


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