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The tree's and many buildings were passing by in a blur as the car rushed by them.

On our way there, I felt a feeling that was very familiar, the feeling that it was my fault.

I remember waking up from a terrible dream one day and seeing the headlines on all the newspapers.

The feeling that I knew it was going to happen and it did.

I knew exactly where, and at what time, but paid no mind to it at the time because after all it was just a dream.

So here I was riding in a car with a stranger whilst eating sour patch kids and making small talk with Harry.

On occasion, we'd laugh about a cheesy joke he said or Harry would get super angry at me for asking obnoxious questions.

"So you do know where you're going right?" I ask for the millionth time today just to mess with him.

"Yes, and Abella I swear, if you ask one more time I am kicking you out of this car and you can hitchhike your way back home." Harry spoke in a very serious voice that made me shut up for the time being.

"Okay." I said popping another sour patch kid in my mouth.

"Want one?" I offered holding the bag up.


"C'mon it's good."

"Not unless you're a cannibal."

"If kids actually tasted like this I would turn into a cannibal." I argued back.

"You're gross, go away." Harry grumbled.

"Fine." I replied unbuckling my seatbelt.

I climbed into the back seat and sat there for a moment, when I saw Harry sending glances through the rear mirror more than occasionally.


When we finally got there it was 2:00, so I tried steering Harry into the direction of the Cathedral without making it too obvious of my intentions.

"That's the blahblahblahblah." is all I heard from him as he tried explaining what each building was while I scanned the city for the oddly yellow building.

I interrupted Harry's speech into which he whispered a profanity.

Remember how I said he's sweet?

I take it back.

"Sooo.. where's the Cathedral?" I asked casually.

I saw Harry's face pale.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just curious." I egged on.

"It's down this street." Harry said pointing towards the street we were on.

"Let's go see it then." I tugged on Harry's arm.

"Alright." He nodded.

I tried following him through the crowds of people, but kept getting lost.

"Harry?" I called looking around.

He was no where in sight which scared me a little.

Tons of people passed by me giving me strange looks.

This was oddly familiar.

I took in my surroundings then saw it, the Cathedral.

Just like in my dream, people started pushing me.

So I walk into the grassed gate.

The giant clock at the top read:


Of course I was late.

I saw the man standing there about to jump off.

I tried yelling "DON'T!" which caused people to look at me, and then at the man as they gasped.


No, this can't be happening.




And he fell.

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