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I wake up in a pool of sweat, which is disgusting really.

Suddenly my body shoots up from my small hot bed, as I spend awhile running my hands through my hair trying to forget about the nightmare I just had.

I check the time on the bright red lights, the numbers almost as if glaring back at me, 3:13. All the trying to calm myself fails when I remember the time I read that demons are "unleashed" into the world around this time. Even if it probably wasn't true it still didn't fail to scare me.

As soon as I remember that, more horrid thoughts start to pile in my mind reminding me of the times something frightening has happened to me.

I slowly slip out of bed, the floor slightly squeaking because of my new added weight. With one more long sigh, I walk over to the small window next to bed.

The moon illuminates the darkness provided by the absence of the sun, the long big trees in my backyard now seem no more than just squiggly shadows invading the small parts that can actually be seen in the moonlight.

With one more look outside, I open the window popping my head out, and looking up to the tiny white stars covering the pale black sky.

Something more catches my eye though, a long green vine, crawling up along the edge of the house all the way to the roof.

An idea pops into my head and I hope to God I don't die as I climb out of my window holding onto the window ledge as I grab ahold of the long green vine.

Thankfully it's smooth under my fingertips and sturdy enough to hold me as I climb onto it.

As I climb further the long vine becomes the only thing keeping me from falling down.

With one hard tug after another, I slowly push myself up, and grab ahold of the next window ledge.

I pull myself up, but notice the window I'm holding onto belongs to my Aunt's room.

Inside I see her figure in bed covered by a long beige quilt, I quickly duck down seeing my shadow entered her room without my consent, but instead with the moonlights as it casted a huge noticeable shadow in her room.

I grabbed hold of the vine once more, my hands loosing on their grip just a little, but enough that Slightly slipped. I shut my eyes waiting for the impact, but do not feel any as I slowly open them seeing my hands are still firmly grasped onto the vine.

My eyes widen once more before I see that my destination is very close ahead. This encourages me to climb further, and faster, as I finally grab onto the roof ledge and with all the strength I can muster, I lift myself onto the black tiled roof. The new found strength surprised me.

When I was back home, I would always climb the roof when I had nightmares, I even had an umbrella stuck up there in case it rained that night, which was a rare occurrence considering I lived in a desert.

Once I got up onto the very top, I could see all the trees surrounding the area. By this time I wasn't even scared or considered the chance of falling since I was so used to it.

My nerves were finally at ease, until I saw a black car pull into the house next door. The head lights reflected off the metal on the edge of the garage creating an illuminating scene.

A tall male swiftly walked out of the car a small beep was heard as the lights slowly faded and the car was no longer as visible as it faded into the darkness of the night.

The male suspiciously looked around before unlocking the door to the house.

I wasn't sure if it was his house or not, in fact I didn't even know who he even was. Maybe he wasn't even a guy, and I was seeing things this late at night.

My clouded thoughts return as I began asking myself a bunch of unnecessary questions first beginning to the suspicious boy then stupid questions like:

"Is he a murder?"

"If someone was a murder would they murder me?"

"Why would they murder me?"

"Maybe he has a reason if he murders people?"

"Is there actually a logical reason for murdering strangers?"

"Why is there more strangers than people that are well know in my life?"

"Is it possible for a human being to know every single person in the world personally?"

"Is there another species like human beings out there?"

Before my brain could explode from all these weird questions I heard a voice.

"What are you doing there?" a low voice asked from behind me.

My head instantly snapped towards the sudden noise that was very indistinct, almost far away. I saw a faint glowing light next door with the window right open a dark shadow looming over the window.

Although the roof I was on was slightly higher than the window, I could clearly see the mysterious person was the same one who had just arrived next door.

I sat there quietly hoping he would go away or I was imaging things.

"Hello? I know you're there." he stated as a matter of factly in an annoyed tone.

"Why do you even care?" I say a little too annoyed rolling my eyes all though he couldn't see me, probably unless he's a vampire or something.

"I don't know maybe because its the middle of the night and there's a girl just casually sitting on the roof watching me." he says.

"I wasn't even watching you!" I argued.

"Sure whatever. You still didn't answer my question." he says.

I see the outline of his faint shadow, his hair quite messy on top of his head.

"Star gazing." I simply lied turning around.

There was a moment of silence, as I sighed in relief thinking he left.

I was wrong.

"Bit hard to stargaze without looking up."

I rolled my eyes scowling as I turned around now beyond angry.

"Don't you have something to do instead of ask me questions in the middle of the night?" I said bluntly.

"Don't you have anything better than watch me when I come home?" he says simply, but beyond the darkness and the only light from his window, I see a smirk.

A damn smirk.

Man this guy has some nerves.

"Who do you even think you are coming out your damn window just to question my actions?" I start but the anger has filled up so I continue "It wasn't even my intention to watch you, and then again I don't even know you, so it's not like you wanted to see me, on top of all that you're annoying me when I'm trying to have some time to myself!' I almost yell but realize there are people sleeping so I scream-whisper.

"You're quite an interesting person, meet me here tomorrow." He says simply and with that he shuts the window, and turns off the light of the room causing the darkness to engulf me again.

What even just happened?

Dumbfounded I decide it's time to go back to my room, so I slowly climb down the vine, which was a bit harder than climbing up since I didn't know where to put my legs.

Somehow I manage and climb into my open window plopping on the small bed, and finally I am able to sleep without any nightmares.

Tonight was beyond weird.


this chapter may seem stupid, but its important you'll see later why.

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