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The question floated in the air for a few seconds, but it seemed like hours because Harry's jaw clenched as did his grip on the steering wheel. Which caused me to become frightened, wanting to just pick the words back into my mouth.

"Can I not answer this while driving?" He questioned not even looking at me.

"Sure.. I mean not that you have to answer it, I'm just curious."

"You deserve to know though."

With those last words said, the rest of the car ride was silent until he pulled into the driveway of his house.

I look over to my Aunts house and notice she's still not home. So I ask Harry if he wants to come over which he says yes to.

As we cross the grassed area, I take out my keys unlocking the door before finding the light switch to the living room since it's a bit dark outside now.

Putting my stuff on the counter I sit down on the couch. Harry does the same but on the opposite side of the couch.

I see him shift uncomfortably and eye the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table that were given to me by the attractive guy from the flower shop.

"You just moved here and you already have guys giving you flowers?" He asks tilting his head towards me.

My cheeks flush and I feel like lying, telling him those flowers are my Aunts, but somehow I know he knows the truth.

"Uhm.. it's not really like that. I mean yeah they were given to me, but uh.." I trail off.

He simply nods, staying silent.

"About the soap.. I know it seems ridiculous especially the way I treated you for it but, when my mum passed away I would always buy it because y'know.. it's the scent she'd always buy, so it smelled just like her. I buy it and wash my sheets with it so every night I would feel like she was still there. It gets a little lonely after all. It might be pathetic but honestly, it helps me cope." Harry confesses looking down at his hands the whole time.

I scoot a little closer to him taking his hands into mine. He tensed up at first, but then looked up at me as I tried comforting him in some way, since that must've been hard to say especially because he doesn't know me that well.

"It's not pathetic at all Harry. I wear my mom's overalls because they smell like her. Which in a way is kind of the same thing." I say shrugging.

He simply grins at me and gets a little closer until I feel his breathe on my face. Suddenly, I panic and stand up.

"I- I'll be right back." I stutter running up the stairs.

I rush to my room taking out the bar of soap and calm myself a bit.

Why are you so stupid Abella? You should've let him kiss you. I scold myself a few times and walk down the stairs.

Harry is still sitting on the couch and looks a little mad.

I suddenly felt like it was my fault, so I sit next to him again placing the bar of soap in his lap.

"You deserve it more than I do anyways." I whisper.

He's looks up me and instantly his features soften.

"Here, I'll pay you back." he says rummaging through his wallet.

"No need to, you already did." I smile.

"Thank you Bella." he returns my smile making my heart flutter at his nickname for me.

Lights suddenly flash through the window indicating someone pulling through the driveway.

"Harry! You have to go. My Aunt, she's here. If she finds you here she's going to get super mad." I panic standing up.

Harry stands up as well following me to the back yard door.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" He asks walking through the back door before I even reply.

Just in time too because my aunt walks through the door at that exact moment.

"Hey honey." She greets taking off her sweater.

"Hi. How was your day?" I question her politely.

"Tiring yours?" My aunt asks back.

"It's been nice, I guess." I lie shrugging before walking up stairs.

"Abella." I freeze. "There wasn't anyone here right? I smell something- nevermind." She says shaking her head to herself.

"There was no one here." I say looking over at her.

"Yeah I know sweetie. I'm just imagining things." She says.

I walk up to my room closing the door before letting out a sigh of relief.

That was close.

I uploaded a gif of Harry smiling at Abella when she gives him the soap, but I'm not sure the gif is working


I'll try uploading more media to my chapters.

vote and comment I'll do the same (: ❤️

ALSO- I try putting not too many details in this story, but at the same time not too little so you guys can use your imagination more.
please give me honest feedback on if I'm doing a good with the details or I should add more thanks

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