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Today was a beautiful day, and I wanted to make sure to take advantage of that.

The sky seems to be a different shade of light blue, and the trees swayed with the gentle breeze making it not so scorching hot.

I grabbed my bag that contained the book I was currently reading and my phone before heading out the door.

Glancing at Harry's house, I noticed he probably wasn't home due to the fact his car wasn't in the driveway. I didn't pay much attention to it though.

My walk to the park was exceptionally tranquil. I couldn't get over how disparate Oregon was from my home city. Here, most people rode bicycles and those who walked by would send small smiles or say a "good afternoon".

Back in the city, everyone was in their own world and seemed to be in a rush to get wherever they had to be whether it was work, or just go back home. Instead of a small smile, like the people here greeted me with, they would just push past, not paying any attention at all to the others around.

I reached the park noticing it was filled with a few children and people walking their dogs. The sun was now hitting a bit more vigorous as it was higher up in the sky, so I picked a spot under a large shaded tree away from all the noise that would distract me from reading.

I was so into the book I didn't realize someone was standing above me until they said "Fancy seeing you here."

I look up to see the grey eyed boy from the flower shop with a golden retriever on a red leash by his side.

"It's a nice day out, so I thought why not." I said smiling up at him before his dog got closer giving me a big sloppy kiss.

"I'm so sorry!! Sess.. he seems to be a little too friendly sometimes." The guy chuckled, handing me a napkin from his pocket. I use it to wipe off the Sess' slobber that was on my cheek.

"Thank you." I say then add "and it's okay, I love dogs anyways it just took me by surprise."

"I thought you would've been mad or something. By the way, my name is Angelo" he introduced, holding his hand out.

"Abella." I replied shaking his hand.

"Mind if I join you Abella?" Angelo politely asked.

"No, not at all go ahead."

He sat down next to me and the smell of his cologne instantly wafted around me. It was a lovely smell, and I quite appreciated it.

"I was going to introduce myself at the flower shop, but you seemed to be in such a hurry I didn't want to bother you." Angelo said pulling Sess to lie down in between us.

I try recalling the day, but all I could remember was that I was determined to get Harry the rose, and wasn't paying much attention to anything else. I probably had my head so far up the clouds that I didn't even notice I was rushing.

I started petting Sess' fur as he laid on his back wanting me to scratch his belly.

"I wasn't in a rush sorry it seemed that way, also thanks for the flowers... again." I shyly spoke looking down.

"Only the best for the best." He smiled.

"I owe you one." I said.

He shook his head then said "The thing you could do to repay me is go out to ice cream with me."

"My treat though. The flowers must of have come out of your check or something, so I owe it to you." I respond.

"They didn't come out of my check though, I own the store. So you don't need to pay for anything Abella. Plus ice cream is not all that expensive."

"You own the flower shop?" I asked in surprise. As I look into my purse seeing only my phone, realizing I forgot my wallet.

"Yeah, it was passed down by my family." He says standing up.

"Alright, I guess one ice cream is fine. You're lucky I actually forgot my wallet now that I looked in my purse." I stand up as well brushing myself off as Angelo leads us to the ice cream shop down the street while making small talk.

Once we get there, I notice the pastel colors of the shop mimic the ice cream colors, adding a nice touch.

I order some my favorite, cake batter ice cream, and Angelo orders some vanilla bean. Then, we sit outside because dogs aren't allowed in the small ice cream shop.

Angelo was currently telling me of all the adventures he and Sess have had together.

"How old is Sess? He seems very energetic." I question eating some of my ice cream.

"He's almost 4 years. You should've seen him when he was a puppy. He literally chewed almost all my furniture, and pooped everywhere." Angelo eyed Sess with a playful angry look causing me to laugh.

"It is not funny. This dog put me through a lot of painful years!!" Angelo complained, but ended up laughing himself.

Sess gave me an innocent 'I didn't do such a thing' look with his ears down and big brown puppy eyes.

I soon gave in to his look and scooped some ice cream onto my finger before giving it to him. Sess licked it off my finger, and got closer wanting more, but I had already finished, so there wasn't anything but melted ice cream left in the small cup.

I then noticed the sun was starting to go down sending orange and yellow streaks throughout the sky, so I decided it was time to go since I had to walk home.

"Alright, it's getting dark. I should get going." I say standing up.

Angelo stands up too asking if I needed a ride home, which I politely declined to.

"Alright. Bye Abella." He says engulfing me in a hug.

I'm a bit taken back, but still hug him before giving him my number then saying goodbye to Sess.

filler chapter.

Angelo on the side.

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