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It was already night time, and once again I couldn't sleep.

I kept rolling from side to side on the small bed trying to get comfortable.

Standing up, I walked over to my window where I looked at the house next door.

A few of the lights glow came pouring out of the house. It was pretty humid out, and I had the heater on in my room causing a thick layer of fog to blur my window creating the lights to look faded and blending in with the surroundings.

I paced around my room a few times debating whether or not I should go out to meet him. I decided not going because I didn't even know him, let alone trust him, and that seemed enough to shut up my thoughts of actually going, but not my curiosity.

So instead I walk downstairs very carefully, hoping to not wake up my aunt, and grab a glass of cold water.

The icy water seems to calm my nerves so I chug down the rest and head upstairs.

I use the bathroom really fast then go back to my room.

My eyes instantly fall on my window as I gasp.

There is a message written on the fogged glass, small droplets of water pouring from each letter.

I instantly look around my room to see if there's any other sign someone was in here.

The note was clearly written in my room because they weren't backwards, as if written outside, and the letters were somewhat legible rather than covered by more fog from the other side on the window.

"it's not too late to come and meet me. x"

I quickly go over to my small trash can and pull out the note from earlier.

Slowly smoothing it out on the palm of my hand, I match it with the windows writing.

Clearly the little 'x' was the same, and the way both notes held no capitols, symbolizing they were from him.

I quickly wiped off the note on the window by pressing my palm against it.

Before going back to bed, I search my room a few times to see how someone could come in my room before deciding I should at least get some sleep, or the most I can anyways since I was probably imagining things.


I wake in a huge forest, trees covering every inch, with small butterflies fluttering around.

I look down at my body seeing I am in a thick white dress, the seams stitched to perfection, and the sweetheart curving at the top exposing some of my chest. The sleeves are not much bigger than a t-shirts, and are decorated with little bows. There's a long ribbon circling above my waist, and the dress is longer than my legs.

I look at my nails seeing they are painted white as well, but they seem longer and healthier than I'd ever had them.

Looking around once more, I stand up the dress flowing down to the dirt. The contrast between the bright white of the dress and the messy dark dirt obviously showing.

I keep trying to figure out where I am, until I hear a loud branch crack followed by some footsteps.

Suddenly frightened, I start off into a sprint towards the opposite way of the noise. Carrying the heavy weight of the dress in my hands on each side.

I stop running for a minute to try and hear if anyone's still following me. I hear complete silence, besides the small pecks of birds and their beautiful whistling.

Just as I am fully calm an arm wraps around my waist bringing me to their body.

I turn quickly and try to hit them when they push me up against a tree.

I feel the bark dig into my back, my arms being held above my head.

That's when I see him, the same guy who left those two notes, the same smirking bastard with the plump lips and green eyes. Curls tousled on his head.

I let out a whimper as his grips gets tighter.

"You thought you could escape me darling." he says running his tongue over his lips.

I try to scream, but nothing comes out of my throat. I try to get away, but my muscles have given up.

"How I wish I could just touch you without this huge dress in the way." He almost moans running his hands up and down my body.

Tears brim my eyes as I look at him, his eyes turning darker, as dark as the trees in the most mysterious of places.

"You shouldn't have left me waiting." he says dipping his head onto my neck finding a spot above my collarbone and next to my shoulder blade.

He begins to suck harshly on the very spot, causing me to whimper. Suddenly, his hands let mine go as he grinds on me against the tree.

Grabbing my waist roughly and pulling me to him.

"You've always been mine, now with this-" he says running his long finger along the pink bruise on my neck, "everyone will know."

He chuckles deeply as his lips hover over mine, I suck in my breathe and shut my eyes tight.

"I won't take your first kiss... yet." He smirks letting me go.

I don't even have time to wander how he knows I haven't had my first kiss, when I wake up.


Panting once again like every other night, I jolt out of my bed.

I look around my room seeing the sun is starting to rise, and the fog is no longer covering my window.

I check the clock on my night stand to see its 5:00 in the morning.

Groaning I get up, and make my way to the bathroom brushing my teeth.

I start to comb my hair and push it to the side when something pink and purple catches my eye.

Right there on my neck, above my collar bone and next to my shoulder blade, is a bruise.

More like a hickey from the dream. I gasp and run my fingers along it quickly taking out some concealer.

No matter how much makeup I put although, it never seems to go away.

If it was just a dream, how do I have the bruise he gave me?

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