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"Make sure to finish yesterday's chores, fertilize, and water the sunflowers." My aunt tells me as she rushes around the kitchen gathering her lunch.

"Don't worry, I will." I say nodding my head politely.

"And child, stay safe will 'ya? A gorgeous lady like you can't be seen'a walking 'round the streets without stares from all them icky teenage boys." She then starts to add on to her lecture.

"Don't worry, I will." I repeat my last sentence.

"Aw, darlin' if you keep saying that I will go crazy." my aunt says shaking her head.

"Don't worry, I won't." I tease, smiling.

"Well I have to go now. Love you." She kisses me on the forehead and rushes out the door, locking it behind her.

I run up the stairs, and quickly change into my moms old overalls and a black t-shirt underneath.

The overalls were a little big but they reminded me of home, and even if it's only been a few weeks here; I still missed my parents dearly.

They didn't even bother to call or check on me, which kind of saddened me.

I decide to do the chores my aunt left me as a distraction from my thoughts, and walked back downstairs to the garage.

There was a lot of rusty boxes and dust covering every corner. I had no clue where the fertilizer and watering can were, so I searched in every box.

About to give up, I saw something shiny on my top shelf, and there they were, the fertilizer and watering can just sitting there, mocking me.

I let out a deep sigh and grabbed them on my way out.



I think I pushed it too far.

Running my hands through my hair, I kept pacing back and forth.

Finally deciding I needed to clear my head, I grabbed my car keys and headed outside.

Locking the door I walked done the steps when I saw her.

She was sitting in front of some yellow sunflowers letting out a frustrated groan.

She then ran her fingers through her brown hair which was in a high ponytail.

I decided to go and see if I could help at the moment when she placed her hands in her face, leaving traces of mud on her cheeks, which I found adorable.

I walked across the lawn to where she sat.

"Hey." I simply said causing her to quickly sit up.

"Uhm, hi." she responded with wide eyes.

"You look like you need some help." I say gesturing to the random small holes in the dark brown dirt.

"Is it that obvious? I mean I even tried reading the instructions." she said holding up a small bundle of crumbled papers.

"If there's anything you need to know is, in Oregon we don't follow the 'usual'. Especially instructions or rules." I say with a small grin.

"May I?" I ask gesturing to sit next to her.

She quickly nods and scoots over a bit.

"Still quite mad you stole my soap." I scuff rolling my eyes.

She hasn't said anything, which I find quite strange.

I turn to look at her and see her round brown eyes staring at me.

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