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 When I stepped into the house, I noticed my aunt sitting at the dining table, a cup of coffee in her left hand the newspaper in her right.

I panicked, not expecting her to be home and knew she would start questioning me any second.

"Good morning." My aunt said looking at me from the top of her newspaper, before setting it down, and taking off her reading glasses.

"Good morning." I responded nervously playing with the ends of my sweater.

"Relax Abella, I'm not going to scold you or anything." She chuckled gesturing me to take a seat across from her.

"Who's the young boy?" She asked curiously.

"His name is Harry, he lives next door, and invited me out to have breakfast." I responded pulling off my sweater since if was fairly warm now.

My aunt furrowed her eyebrows, "Next door you say?"

"Yeah, next door. " I confirm nodding.

"That's strange, I didn't know anyone lived there after Marianne passed away." She said with a questioning look.

I soon remember the soap incident and how Harry had told me his mother was dead, and began to wonder if her name was Marianne, the same lady my aunt was talking about.

"Maybe Harry is her son? He did mention to me his mother passing away." I questioned trying to put the pieces together.

"I don't remember her having a son though, but then again I don't remember most things nowadays." My aunt let out a small chuckle.

"Anyways, I got home an hour ago and am absolutely exhausted, I am going to bed now." She yawned placing her mug in the sink before heading upstairs.

"Alright." I replied realizing that I had panicked over nothing because my aunt wasn't even mad.

I watered the rose Harry had given me, noting it was perfectly healthy.

Walking upstairs I gathered my art supplies because there was a small opening in the forest that I saw on one of my runs, and knew it would look lovely in oil paints.

As I walked into the forest, I found the perfect spot before sitting down on a rock, and getting lost in my painting.

I hadn't noticed how much time went by, but was soon interrupted by the sound of crunching leaves. At first, they were small, and distant, I waved it off as  small animal probably running around the forest, but they got louder and closer.

I turned around, trying to see if anyone was in sight and probably on a walk or running.

I saw nothing, so all my attention went back to my painting as I added the last few strokes and final details I could before knowing I would have to let it dry for a few days and having to come back again.

The crunching of leaves were heard again, but this time it sounded as to be right behind me.

I turn around almost screaming as a female appeared through the trees, almost stumbling into me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!" She says leaning down to help me up.

"I was on a run and there's usually no one out here. I'm so sorry for scaring you." She says removing her earphones.

"It's fine honestly." I respond dusting myself off.

"I've never seen you around here, did you just move here?" She asks.

"Yeah, I moved here a few months ago." I say, beginning to put my art supplies away.

"Ah I see, well I've got to go, I'm trying to beat my best time." She says in a rush.

"My name is Stella by the way!" She yells over her shoulder, beginning in a light jog in the other direction.

"Abella!" I shout back. 

"Nice meeting you, sorry again!" Stella says before disappearing int the forest once more.

I gather the rest of my supplies heading home, perceiving that the sun was already starting to set as soft orange and light pink streaks filled the sky in numerous directions.

As soon as I got home, I left my supplies of the table preparing myself something to eat since I haven't eaten anything since this morning.

Taking out bread and cheese, I heated the skillet, assembling a grilled cheese..

Just as I was about to take my first bite, there was a light knock on the door.

I looked through the peep-hole seeing Harry's tall figure. Swiftly opening the door I greeted and told him he could come inside.

"Are you sure? I believe that's your aunt's car in the driveway." He said unsure.

I looked over his shoulder, and noticed that my aunt's car was indeed in the driveway and she was probably still up in her room.

"Let me just finish eating." I said heading for the kitchen.

I felt Harry following shortly behind me as I reached for my sandwich.

I didn't remember my painting was on the table until Harry picked it up and questioned, "You painted this?" 

"Don't touch it! It's not dry yet!" I scold taking it from his hands. "And yes, I painted it."

"It's beautiful, I didn't know you painted." Harry told me looking closer at the painting.

I shoved the last piece of my sandwich in my mouth before shrugging.

"I have to tell my aunt I'm going out, I'll be right back." I mumble.

I grab my painting running up the stairs, checking in my aunt's room seeing she's still sleeping. I leave the painting in my room and write a quick note to her about my whereabouts before going back downstairs.

"Alright let's go."


I was listening to One Directions' acoustics while writing this haha.. THEIR VOICES ARE SO LOVELY

ANYWAYS comment. vote. add to your reading lists, I'll return the favor as always (:

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