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"Let's say one night, you have a dream. A young girl is walking, it's night time and she's with a friend. Out of nowhere, there's a drunk driver. The girl and her friend are crossing a street, when the intoxicated driver runs them over. The drunk driver gets caught be the police. He's off the roads for awhile now, and has most likely learned his lesson. Okay, now lets say,  you see the same girls at a grocery store the night they're supposed to die, so you warn them, you tell them not to go out that night because there's a 'storm' coming. So, they don't go out at all, meaning the drunk driver never gets caught he continues to drink and drive committing many hit and runs. It takes a lot of people's lives before he actually gets caught. So, which is better two lives or ten?"

"I don't get it why can't the drunk driver get caught before? Not killing any lives?"

"Because that's the way things are meant to be."

"Then, I could just go to where the girls were run over and wait, then report a drunk driver, so he gets caught. There, no lives taken and he's off the roads."

"Tell me, can you see every detail on your dreams?"

"I can see most..."

"Abella, I don't think you get the point. Everything happens for a reason, and when you ruin that order, worse things happen."

"Okay, so I was born like this, and I can't even have any sort of benefit from having gruesome dreams of people dying every night?" I begin to raise my voice, quickly adding, "Besides how do you even know any of this?" 

"I just do." Harry says looking down. "Can you please just trust me?"

"I have to go home now." I say standing up, not knowing how to react to his words.

"Abella, please. " Harry says standing up as well, trying to reach for my hand.

"Bye Harry." I say pulling away from him, opening the door, and walking back over to my house.

Now I was lying on my bed, going over the conversation I had with Harry over and over in my head.

Wondering how he knew so much, and whether or not I should trust him.

I kept thinking, my mind racing miles an hour, before I could slowly feel myself dozing off.


I was sitting in a large hill, from here I could see there was a field of daises just below decorating the green floor in pure white and yellow. I felt like I was high, or flying, or both.

I began to giggle as a bee buzzed by my nose, and stopped on top of one of the millions of daises. Pretty soon, I was walking down the hill, humming to myself as I bent down occasionally to let the sweet smell of the daisies fill me.

Something caught my eye, a red rose in the middle of all the daisies. In curiosity, I began to walk to it. As soon as I was in front of it, something in familiarity came to mid, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Abella." The rose called to me.

I tried widening my eyes, then popping my ears, thinking I was imaging it.

"Abella." The rose called again.

I turned my head in confusion.

"You're dreaming." The rose called to me.

"I'm not." I responded frowning.

"Foolish are those who don't understand those who understand them."

"What?" I laughed, this rose was crazy.

"Foolish are those who don't understand those who understand them." The rose repeated.

"You're dreaming."

"Wake up, Abella."

"I can't wake up if I'm not dreaming." I stated.

I began to feel annoyed by the stupid rose and wanted to feel what it was like to be happy again, so I began walking away, but didn't get far because when I looked down, I noticed I was bleeding, I had somehow stepped on glass.

Everything was black and I was now in an alleyway, my head dizzy. Completely barefoot, I had stepped on a broken bottle. I let out a cry in pain, not having anywhere to go because there seemed to be broken glass everywhere.


I woke up crying again, looking down to my foot I was relieved when I found that it was perfectly fine.

That calmed me down, as I sat up in my bed, taking deep breaths. Somehow in the back of my mind, I knew what the meaning was of that dream.

The sun was beginning to rise outside, and I decided it wasn't even worth it to try to go back to sleep so I laid in bed, thinking of how my life would be like if I didn't have dreams like this every night.

I would be happy, with my family back home, maybe I would actually have friends. I could go to college and work on my career, getting sleep every-night like a regular person, only having to worry about homework or my job, not what dream I would have next or how I would react.

I could be emotionally stable, and able to make my parents proud of me. Instead of waking up at 5 in the morning each day crying, depending on the consoling of others.

Which made me think about Harry. He was, I felt, the only thing that came into my life that was somewhat a good thing, and now I was pushing him away.

Although the dream I had tonight, was twisted in all the wrong ways, I felt that for once in my life I was absolutely sure of something.


what even is happening in the story anymore lol

talking flowers and being high on top of a hill wow go me

I was listening to Jack Johnson, The Xx and the Arctic Monkeys while I was writing this..



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