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I wake up the next morning to the loud sound of the doorbell ringing throughout the house.

Groaning, I roll over and fall out of my bed unintentionally.

I let out a small yelp, and lay there for a while until the doorbell rings again.

"Who is it?" I scream.

No one answers.

I groan once more, and run downstairs.

Peeking in the peep hole I don't see anyone, so I open the door.

On the brown wood of the porch lies a pink rose.

I pick it up, and attached to it is a note.

"let's see who's the better gardener. meet me in a week from today at the cafe down the block at 2 pm. Bring the rose and let's see who's is healthier. don't try cheating H x."

I find myself smiling and run the water tap to fill the clear vase with water and place the rose in the sunlight.

I then run upstairs and comb my hair before putting on a high waisted floral skirt with a white blouse and my white flats.

Checking my wallet, I see I have a fair amount of money left from my previous shopping trip. With that, I go outside and start walking along the sidewalk to the closest florist.

The day was surprisingly bright and birds were flying around and chirping, whilst bee's hovered over flowers and buzzed.

After walking about seven blocks, I finally found a small flower shop on a hidden corner.

Walking inside, I could instantly smell the scent of different flowers as the chime from the cash register could be heard.

Small chatter was heard amongst the customers already inside, for quite a small place it was awfully crowded.

Slightly eavesdropping, I heard someone ordering flowers for a wedding, others for a loved one.

"May I help you?" I heard a low voice ask.

I look up to see a slightly taller guy- around my age. He stares at me and I notice his grey eyes.

Grey eyes and dark hair I can almost feel myself faint.

"Um.. yes actually" You can start by giving me your number my mind says. "I'm looking for a blue rose?" I ask almost carefully, not really sure if blue roses even exsist.

He grins up at me and nods.

"Just one?" he asks.

"Yeah, if you guys have any of course." I add nervously.

"Alright, I'll go get a few so you can choose." He quickly goes behind the counter, as I wait patiently deciding to buy some small packets of flower vitamins as well.

"Here they are." the same very attractive guy says handing me a few blue roses.

"I'll take this one." I say holding up a dark colored rose with a long stem.

"Alright, is that all?" he asks walking behind the counter and typing in a few things.

"Yeah." I respond noticing a stack of blank small papers to write what I'm guessing personalized notes.

I pick up the black ink pen and a small paper and begin writing my note.

"I guess I owe you a rose. I would ask for it back later, but it will probably be dead by the end of the week.

Good luck..? Just kidding worst of luck to you. Oh!! And looking forward to seeing your face when you see my rose is much healthier than yours. - Abella (:"

I had to admit, it was pretty long and I sounded overly confident. Although, I was positive he would win, but I also read somewhere that boys like it when girls are confident.

What the hell? I don't care if Harry likes my actions, or me as a whole for that matter. Do I?

"Here are your things." A voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look up to be met by grey eyes once more.

"Thank you." I say grabbing the small bouquet.

"Wait.. um I didn't pay for this." I say looking confusingly at the bunch of colored flowers.

"I know, on the house for a beautiful girl like you." he says giving me a smile and winking before walking off to another customer.

I blush deeply, and almost feel myself melt on the spot.

"Thanks" I call out to him on my way out.

"See you later, gorgeous." He smiles, again.

I quickly walk home head completely in the clouds as I fantasize about the boy with grey eyes.

When I finally get home, I make sure no one is home before I let out a huge squeal and do a quick little dance around the living room.

I instantly slip on the wooden floor landing face first with the red rug.

"Why can't I have one moment of happiness without falling?" I think out loud.

I stay on the ground a while longer too lazy to get up until I remember about Harry's rose.

My eyes widen as I quickly grab the note and rose then run out the door.

I sneakily make sure no one comes out of his house when I run across the lawn and place the rose on the door step.

I ring the doorbell then make a sprint back to my house, quickly shutting the door behind me.

Watching from the kitchen window, I see Harry step out.

He was wearing grey sweats and was almost glowing due to the fact he was probably working out, and did I mention he was shirtless?

I really didn't know if my hormones were exceptionally high today, or the cute guys were hiding and decided to come out today and make me want to slam my face into a wall about a thousand times.

Either way, I shamelessly scanned Harry up and down.

His torso was carved with deep v lines on each side, his tattoos made him not one less bit attractive, even if they were a bit cheesy.

I mean a butterfly, some sort of feathers (or leaves) and two birds? C'mon even I would get something more creative.

I watched until he picked up the note and blue rose.

His toned back faces me as I watched his muscles contract as he turns to walk inside.

I see him turn his head towards my house smirking slightly.

I instantly duck down hoping he did not see me.

When I look out the window again, he is no longer there and the door is closed.

I let out a sigh of relief and walk upstairs to change into some workout clothes.

No, not because I saw Harry all sweaty from working out, but because it was nice out and a run through the shaded forest would be nice.

I put on a black sports bra and some black matching shorts outlined in white, and quickly throw my hair in a ponytail.

Wrapping my small iPod around my arm, I start playing my music and jog downstairs and out the back door.

The forest is basically my backyard, so I walk out the small door in the corner of the fence, and start my run.

I start off with speed walking then gradually make my pace quicken and soon enough, I'm sprinting through the dirt path in the forest.


Cheesy chapter because why not?¿


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