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I sit in the passenger side laughing at the hilarious story my dad was telling me about when he and my mom first met.

"No, but really I swear that day, it was all bad luck for me!!" My dad laughed along with me.

I wiped a few tears from the long period of laughter as my dad continues telling his story.

"And then when I'm walking over to her I finally get the courage to tell her-"

We start passing an intersection when I notice a dark blue car continuing to speed on our left side even though the stop light is on for that section.

My dad tries swerving, but it's too late because the car hits with full impact on my dad's side flipping the car over.

Everything suddenly becomes a ringing mess, and I can't seem to hear or focus on anything.

There's a great pain on my forehead then I notice as I look to my dad's side, he's covered in blood and seems to be unconscious.

"Dad?!" I almost yell trying to pull the seat belt off of me to get out onto his side.

I unfasten the belt crawling over to my dad's side before trying to wake him up. Shattered glass from the window jabs into my knees, but I don't feel a thing.


"Dad, please wake up it's over now."

"Dad!!" I panic and shake him a little.

He doesn't respond at all to my actions, making me panic even more.

Sirens then start to sound in the distance, and I feel someone take me out of the car.

I'm beyond confused and in shock.

"M'am, are you okay?" A voice asks me.

"Ye- yeah my head hurts, but I'll be fine." I say not even looking at whoever is talking to me, but at the paramedics taking my dad out of the car.

I run over as they place my dad on a gurney. It is then that I feel the tears that start rushing down my face.

"He's losing a lot of blood and seems to have a major concussion, we need to get him to the hospital right away."

I only nod, even though whoever is talking probably wasn't directly talking to me.

"You'll need to ride with us too since it looks like you have a severe head injury, and glass cut into your knees."

I nod again as they guide me into the ambulance. I try focusing on my dad, but my head feels heavier, and my eye lids keep drooping shut.

Then before I know it, I faint.


I wake up, but I'm not in a hospital room as I expected. Instead I am in my Aunts house, panting as I try to calm myself.

My skin feels blotchy from the tears that are still streaming down my face.

I keep taking deep breathes, but it doesn't help because only sobs come out and soon I start experiencing a panic attack.

The walls of my room seem to start closing in around me, and the air seems to get thinner making it hard to breathe properly.

I keeps reminding myself to breathe, but can't help but cry more as I frantically run out of my room wanting to get away from everything.

As I run downstairs I notice that my Aunt isn't home. Of course she isn't.

I lean against a wall before slipping down as I cry harder.

What if the car accident really happens? Like most of my dreams that seem to become reality.

What if my dad has gotten into an accident or is going to get in one?

Or something else that's life threatening happens? And I won't be there to prevent it?

I can't help it anymore as I run outside trying to take deep breathes of fresh air. It doesn't help though, I need some sort of comfort.

Then I find myself subconsciously walking across the green grass that's currently shining from the mildew, and is wet underneath my socks.

Sorry for not updating recently, I totally forgot I had more than 5 chapters already prewritten..

Anyways comment and vote please I always try to do the same on your guys' stories

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