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-Abella's POV-

When I wake up, I feel a large weight on my left side. I try wiggling out, but the weight only getting heavier.

It is then, that I open my eyes, and remember that I am still at Harry's house.

He has his arms currently around my waist and is snuggling into my back of my neck. His small breaths tickling, making me smile slightly.

I liked this feeling of comfort, of security, in his arms. I don't think I've ever felt that until today.

Everything about this situation seemed fallacious. Harry and I have only known each-other for about a month. We've hung out a few times, but that was about it.

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a stir behind me, indicating Harry was waking up. At first he let out a soft snore before I heard him let out a soft yawn and let go of me which made me slightly whimper, he then sat up and stretched.

I panicked because I don't know how he would react to me being awake, so I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

I felt Harry's gaze on me for awhile before he tucked a piece of hair out of my face and stood up. The emptiness of his body by my side made me feel vulnerable all over again.

Pot noises were soon heard in the kitchen before the clicking of the gas stove turning on; some rustling was heard before a sizzling sound.

I realized he was probably making breakfast, and I didn't want to disturb him anymore, so I decided to use the bathroom before going back home. (Thank God I still remember, where it is.)

Before I walked out into the kitchen however, I looked in the mirror seeing I was a complete mess. My hair was surprisingly not in as much tangles as expected, but it was still quite the unimaginable disaster. The eye bags under my lifeless eyes seemed to be a darker shade of grey, not mentioning my eyes were also still a bit swollen red from crying so much.

Doing the best to fix myself up, I slowly into the kitchen, never feeling as awkward as I did at the precise moment.

Harry looked up at me from the stove, and smiled before saying, "good morning." His voice was a little hoarse and an octave lower than accustomed, making me want to melt on the spot.

I gave him a small smile before saying good morning as well. Leaning on the door frame, I fidgeted with my fingers thinking of what to say.

"Listen Harry, I'm so sorry for showing up at your house so early in the morning. Especially in the state I was in. It's just my aunt wasn't home and I really needed someone-"

I was cut off by Harry when he said, "I totally understand Bella, and it's no problem. I'm glad you came to me."

What he said made my stomach flip, and eased the feeling of guilt in my stomach.

"Thank you so much Harry, you have no idea how much this all means to me." I praise.

"No need to thank me." He shrugs.

"I'll get going now, you know, to get out of your way." I say heading for the door.

"Abella, no it's okay I want you to stay." Harry says walking over to me.

"I've already been more than a bother to you."

He rolls his eyes. "No you haven't honestly, I enjoy your company."

I bite my lip, debating whether I should stay.

"At-least stay for breakfast?" Harry questions, picking up on the look of doubt on my face.

My heart swells as I nod.

"Alright then."

Harry smiles for what seems like the thousandth, but it quickly vanishes as he rushes to the stove.

I wonder why, but then I realize the smell of something burning filling the whole house.


lol @ me for ruining the moment...



I'll do the same to your stories. (:

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