Chapter 2

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Emily's P.O.V

I woke up by my alarm going off for today. Luckily today was Friday. I get dressed in black leggings and a loose blue shirt with white converse.

Getting dressed and ready I felt my phone vibrate.

Calum- Hey Emily I'm not going to school today I'm sorry :( I'll text you after school xx

Great just great. My Friday is already sucking.

I head downstairs grab my backpack and wait by the bus stop.

The bus arrived and I went inside. I sat myself all the way in the back sitting alone.

I head inside the building. Alone I feel so Alone was all I felt.
"Hey Loser where's Calum? Did he finally decide to replace your ugly ass!" I heard someone say.

Ignore them just ignore them I kept thinking in my head.

Today I had science class so I went inside and sat by myself. The teacher was going on about a project.

When the teacher was on the middle of what he was saying the door swung open revealing Michael. His hair was dyed a new color green.

"Mr.Clifford can you please tell the class why you're late" the teacher asked sternly.

"Oh well because I have a life" he snapped. I bet he was sucking face with Bethany no doubt about it.

"Well I hope this detention slip won't interrupt you life" he handed Michael a detention slip.

"Whatever" he mumbled walking past me finding a seat behind me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, you'll do a project based on our last lesson with partners I have assigned you with".

I hope I get paired up with Calum or at least someone who will do the work.

"Anthony and Stacy"
"Fredrick and Alice"
"Emily and Michael"

Fuck no please no.
"Looks like I'm with you" he winked at me.

I roll my eyes and stand up walking to the teachers desk.
"Mr.Marty can I please switch partners?"
"Emily, Michael really needs you're help to improve his grade and you're his only hope".
"Fine" I walk back to my seat annoyed.

"So when should we do the project?" He sat next to the open seat next to me.
"Well it's not due for two weeks so I guess next Monday".
"Okay whatever just to let you know you're doing most of the work, we're doing it at my house".
"Okay I guess".

The bell rang which meant school was finally over. I hurried gathered my things and ran outside the door like there was no tomorrow.

I walk to my favorite spot just to look at the view and think about life. It was a place surrounded by trees and nature was all around it, there was this one big tree I would climb and just sit there for hours or this one Boulder I would just lay on.

I sit on the Boulder and just look at the beautiful sky humming a Sleeping With Sirens song to myself.

"So what are you doing here?" A voice startles me from behind. I turn around seeing Michael smirking.

"Well this is just a place I like to think about life, or just to hide from people" I answered.

"Same" he sat next to me on the Boulder.

An awkward silence came between us for a few minutes. I'm not that good at socializing to people especially to my bullies.

"Why aren't you insulting me or something?" I spat out with thinking. He just laughed at what I said.

"Do you want me to".
"No it's just... I don't know you seem different when you're not around you're friends and Bethany".
"No it's just today I don't feel like doing anything to you right now, but don't get that stuck in you're head I still hate you".
"Oh okay, well I think I should be going" I quietly walked away.

Michael's P.O.V

I don't know why or how but I feel different when I'm with Emily. She looked beautiful today but fragile since we would bully her.

I think I like her. Wait no that will ruin my reputation. I can never like her. I have to still hate her.

Bullied by M.C (A Michael Clifford fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now