Chapter 16

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Emily's P.O.V

I woke up by the sound of Luke snoring by my ear. Luke's arms were wrapped around my waist when I open my eyes. Then I remember what had happened last night. Michael cheated on me and I ended the relationship.

I felt sad, I felt really sad.

I try to get out of Luke's grip trying not to wake him up. "Wait stay for a few" he mumbles.

"Fine" I turn to my side to see his face.

"Good morning beautiful".

"Morning Luke".

"Michael tried to come inside your room last night"

"I don't care about Michael" I lied. I actually do still care about him. He broke my heart. My own bully broke my heart. I guess he just wanted more attention from Bethany.

"Emily?" He asked.

"Oh yeah sorry... I just went to deep in my thoughts. What did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted to hang out for the whole day, I could take you to places" he asked nervously.

"Yeah of course" I smiled. "I'll make breakfast" I added.

Luke and I get off the floor and head down stairs together. I'm glad Luke was with me right now.

I make my way to the kitchen and Luke stands there awkwardly watching me.

"Luke do you wanna help me make pancakes?"

"Uh yeah sure".

"Walsh your hands Luke. I don't know where you're hands been"

"They're going to be all over you someday" he mumbles.


"Nothing" he smiles.

I start mixing the batter. And pour it into the pan. Luke dips his fingers into the left over batter and rubs it on my face.

"Luke! You asshole!" I yell. "You're going to get it" I dip my hands into the batter and aim to hair.

"Not the hair! Not the hair!" He try to protect his hair which didn't work as batter is onto his hair.

Luke grabs me by the waist and turns me around. As clumsy as I was I slipped onto batter on the floor and fall onto Luke face to face. Making a big crash sound.

"Could you guys keep it down" Michael says rudely standing across from us looking like he just woke up. His eyes were blood shot red.

"Oh uh yeah sorry Michael".

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes and sits onto the couch watching the tele.

"Well damn" Luke mutters.

"I know right".

I serve the pancakes to Luke and we eat. After we ate the pancakes I went upstairs and Luke was getting his stuff to leave.

I go back downstairs I walk Luke out.

"I'll be back at two Emily be ready for an adventure" he smiles.

"Okay Luke, thank you for everything see you in three hours".

I felt Michael's eyes gazing at us. I close the door and see Michael still staring at me.

"Emily now that he's gone can we talk?" He asks.

"There's nothing to talk about Michael you cheated on me and I ended the relationship, that's final" I head upstairs and slam my door. I lock the door just in case.

"Emily please just let me explain" he bangs onto the door.

Tears slide down onto my face. I wipe my tears and put on my stereo blasting Bring me the horizon. I didn't wanna hear him or his excuses.

I lay onto my bed and stare to the ceiling. Why did I fall for my bully? Why did this happen to me? I should of never ever went out with him.

I get off my bed and go into the shower. After the shower I get ready for the plans I had with Luke. I'm just afraid Luke is just going to hurt me.

I dress into a green day shirt with converse and skinny jeans. Then I straighten my hair and do my makeup.

I turn off the music blasting through my stereo. It sounded like Michael stopped.

I look through the window and see Luke's red car outside. I grab my purse and head downstairs. I close the door and head to Luke's car.

Luke gets out the car and opens the door for me.

"Thank you" I smile and sit onto the seat as he closes the door. He turns the radio on and Blink-182 first date comes on the radio.

"So where are we going on our adventure?".

"Well I was thinking about race car driving, then we can get frozen yogurt and then we can go to the movies. Is that okay?".

"That would be amazing. I'm so glad we are hanging out".

"Yeah me too" he smiles.

Michael's P.O.V

Why did I do that to Emily? I'm so fucking stupid. I should of never went to get drinks. I love her so much.

Luke and Emily are now hanging out and I'm so jealous. Watching those two together makes me so mad. Emily is mine.

I will show her that I don't need her. She has Luke now. Maybe she'll get jealous and beg to get back with me.

Emily's P.O.V

"Oh my god Luke that was amazing!" I say taking off my helmet and get off the car as he does the same.

"I know right. I totally kicked your butt at it" he smirked.

"Whatever" I stick out my tongue.

"Let's go get frozen yogurt now" he smiles.

After our adventure Luke and I had, Luke dropped me off at my house.

"Thank you so much Luke".

"You're welcome Emily. Maybe we should do this again can we trade numbers?"

"Of course" I hand him my phone and he hands me his phone.

I look in to his blue eyes and he looks at mine. He leans in and I back away. I wanted to kiss him but I wasn't ready to start something.

"I'll see you at school Luke". I get out the car and go inside my house.

"Well fuck my life" I mutter.

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