Chapter 22

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A/N- Hello guys 💓 it's 4:45am right now I literally can't sleep oh well 😛 I didn't really mention this but Bea Miller is the character as Emily. If you don't know her look her up! She's fucking Amazing. DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT 😍 - Daniella

Emily's P.O.V
Lighting and thunderstorms were literally shouting. I could hear the raindrops going hard against my window. I actually do love the rain. The rain makes me feel so calm and safe but yet sad. Tonight I didn't love it very much.

It was currently around three am. In a few hours the boys will leave me. I was keeping track just seven more hours until my best friends and the guy I'm in love with will leave me. The guy I'm madly in love with probably has no clue I still have feelings for him.

The rain didn't help at all. It didn't make me calm neither safe. All it did was make me feel sorry for my self. I could of told Michael how I felt. I could of tried to make some other friends instead of being a loser. My mind was just thinking that I could of, should of, and I would of, but yet I didn't.

I close my eyes. They felt tired. I could feel the weight of my eyes taking more control because I couldn't open them. I was just too tired. I slowly drifted off to sleep. The sad thing is, I cried my self to which never happened to me except for this time.


My alarm goes off. I groan because I didn't get very much sleep. I had to wake up at eight in the morning because it took at least one hour to the air port and the boys and I decided to have at least one hour together.

I get dressed and do my hair. I didn't want to put any make up. I didn't really have the energy to do anything at all this morning. Instead of getting a ride from Luke or Michael I drove my dad's car.

The boys text me that they're already at the airport when I was half way there. Then u finally get there. I see Calum hugging his parents. Luke was holding Liz. Michael was just sitting there and Ashton was hugging his little brother.

I run up to Michael and hug him. He had no one to hug. I had no one to hug. I just need at least one last hug.

"I'm going to miss you" he cries on my shoulder. I felt my eyes getting watery too.

"You don't know how bad I'm going to miss you Michael" I cry heavily. I couldn't control it. I just let it out.

We stood there for at least ten minutes hugging each other not letting go.

"I need you Michael".

"We both need each other baby girl" he whispered in my ear and silently cries.

We finally let go and I go hug Luke.

"Emily, stay strong. I'm going to miss you darling" his Australian accent was strong.

"Luke, don't get into any trouble. I still need my cuddle buddy. I'll miss you".

I let go and head to Ashton.

"Take care of these idiots please. I'll miss you dr.phill" he laughs.

"I'll miss you more. Don't worry I'm half mature and half punk" he ruffles my hair.

Then I finally walk up to Calum. My first best friend. The guy who stood up for me. The boy next door to me. Calum Hood the best person I have ever met.

I hug him with a strong grip. I start to cry again.

"I'm going to miss you, my Asian buddy"

"I'm going to miss you even more my strawberry short cake, I'll call you as soon as the flight ends".

I hated when he called me that.

"Do you promise? And make sure Harry is still single when I come to L.A".

The boys saved up and bought me a flight to Los Angeles. It was amazing.

"I promise, by the way you and Harry will never end up being together you loser"

"Way to kill my imagination, buzzkill"

"The boys and I have a surprise for you" Calum lets go and smiles.

"Shall we tell her" Luke smiles.

"Tell me already!" I get antsy

"Well since we bought you a ticket to Los Angeles, we talked to our manager and he said after that concert you can stay with us for the rest of the tour".

"You're joking right! This isn't funny".

"It's real baby girl" Ashton says.

"Holy shit!" I scream and pull them into a group hug. "I love you guys".

"We love you too" Michael says.

"All passengers to airline 762 please aboard the plane."

I look at the boys sadly.

"I'll see you later. I love you" I hug them all once again.

They say they love me and start walking off. There goes my three best friends and the boy of my dreams.

"See you soon" I whisper

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