Chapter 11

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A/N- it would be awesome if you guy's would comment and favorite XX.

Emily's P.O.V

"Are you okay?" Michael wakes me up from my daydream.
"Oh-uh yea, sorry" I fake smile.

I couldn't help but keep thinking what Bethany said to me yesterday. Why did I let her get to me ? Maybe I have to be very careful with people.

"Something's wrong" Michael frowns.

"It's nothing I promise" I lie.

I hate lying to people I care about. But it is for the best. I'm a bad liar too so he might figure it out.

Last time I lied I got caught it was the worst lie. I was grounded and my Dad wouldn't let me hang out with my friends, so I tried to get out the house saying that my grandma needed milk at the grocery store, I told my dad that I would get the milk for her but he said my grandma lives in Ohio. So I got grounded for two more weeks.

"Stop lying Emily! I know you're lying. Tell me what's worrying you".

"Ughhh... Okay fine, so yesterday when I took a walk Bethany and I had a conversation and-"

"This is going to be bad I can tell, it involves Bethany" he runs his hand in his blue hair.

"As I was saying she was telling me that Luke will try to break us up I guess, but we're not a couple so it's I don't know whatever I guess" I huffed.

Michael stares at me and smiles.

"Emily Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks holding my hand. I didn't even have to think for a respond.

"Yes!" I squeal.

He puts his hand in my cheek and leans in. I felt my stomach tie into nots. I never thought I would be kissing Michael Clifford nor being his girlfriend.

Michael and I finally stop kissing as he catches his breath.

"I've been wanting to do that for the longest" he smiles.

"Awh". That's all I could say, I would of told Michael that I've been waiting to be his girlfriend but then that would just sound desperate.

"So do want to do anything special?".

"Uh I was thinking about walking around or something, I don't know" I smile.

"Let's go then" he yells happily. He grabs my arm and carries me down stairs over his shoulder.

"Put me down you weirdo" I laugh.

"I'm not a weirdo, I'm punk rock!".

"No your not shut up" I playfully smack him.

He puts me down and crosses his arms.

"Oh yeah well I hope your favorite band breaks up!" He smirks.

"Well then! I-I hope you go bald" I smirk as his fades away.

"Whatever" he sticks out his tongue as I laugh.

Michael's P.O.V

Emily was finally my girlfriend. The girl that I bullied for years, I never thought I would fall for her. Now I'm watching her on the swings like a little child. Her beautiful hair flowing in the wind, her beautiful curves, her beautiful eyes I would never get sick of looking at, everything is just perfect to me about her.

"Michael! Come on go on the swings with me" she giggles.

"Okay okay" I run to the swing next to her.

"Let's see who can jump the furthest" she smiles.

"Okay who ever loses has to buy the winner ice cream!" I shouted.

"Deal!" She laughs.

"On three! One, two, two and a half, two and a quarter-"

"Michael just say three!"

"Three!" I jump on to the green grass as she falls right beside my chest.

"I win!"

"Shut up loser" she laughs and gets up taking off the grass on her back.

"Let's go" I say as we walk to get ice cream.

Emily's P.O.V

"One large chocolate ice cream and one large vanilla please" I order ice cream for me and Michael.

The ice cream man gives me the two ice creams and smiles.

"That would be three dollars and fifty cents" the boy says.

I look through my purse and hand out a five dollar bill but someone holds my hand back.

"I got it" Michael says.

"Michael stop it was a fair deal".

"No your my girlfriend, I'll pay" he hands the boy five dollars.
"Keep the change" he smiles.
"I'll find us two seats to sit at".

"Okay" I smile as he walks away.

"Your boyfriend is a keeper" the boy says.

"Thank you" I smile and walk to Michael, and sit across from him.

"I feel so bad" I frown.
"Why?" Michael's ask's.

"Because you payed for the ice cream and the deal was the person who lost pays for the ice cream".

"Stop feeling that way, your my girlfriend I should treat you like a princess".

"Awh you two love birds need to take it else where" someone says rudely before I can say anything. I turn around seeing Luke.

Michael was clearly ticked off, clenching his fists.

"Can you not Hemmings" I snap.

"Oh I love it when you say my last name it sounds so hot" he smirks.

"Luke get out of here before you regret it" Michael stands up making a scene.

"Michael lets just go" I whisper holding onto his arm.

"Fine he's not worth it anyway" he pushes by Luke.

"Dude your do fucking whipped, if she wants a damn tiger from the zoo are you going to get it?!" Luke yells as we ignore him walking out of the place.

"You okay Mikey?".
"Yeah I am lets go home" he kisses my forehead.

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