Chapter 12

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Emily's P.O.V

"True friends lie underneath,
These witty words I don't believe
I can't believe a damn thing they say anymore
Lie! Liar, you'll pay for your sins
Now! Liar, I know all the places you've been" my alarm goes off.

Spring break was over. Most of the time I spent it with Michael and I cuddling watching Netflix. A whole week we've been dating. My dad doesn't know we're dating, I'm to scared to tell him. Im deciding when to tell my dad because I don't want him to find out his way.

I get off my bed and get ready for school. I had Michael's Metallica shirt on and regular jeans with converse. I take a last look at my self and walk down stairs seeing Michael waiting for me with a smirk on his face as I make my presence.

"You look good, especially with that shirt" he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you" I kiss his cheek.

Luckily my Dad wasn't here he would of exploited. I think I'm going to tell him this week.

We get inside his car and he drives to school. The whole ride we were holding each other hands. It was cute to me.

We get out the car walking inside the school side by side, him holding me by my waist.

"They need to know you're mine now" he whispers in my ear gently kissing my cheek. Kids around the school had a disgusted reaction watching us.

"Wasn't Michael her bully"
"She was probably desperate for attention"
"He's going to cheat on her"
"I bet he's using her" was I heard in the hallways as I pass by.

"Emily can we talk?" A voice behind me speaks up. I was to scared to turn around because Michael wasn't with me at the moment he was in the walshroom. I turn around facing my ex best friend Calum.

"What do you want?" I say harshly.

"I know you're mad at me and you hate me bu-"

"Of course I'm mad at you! But I don't hate you" I cut him off.

"Listen I understand I'm mad at my self too, I let the my best friend down and I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I was a dick for what I did".

"I-I forgive you, but what was the thing Luke was holding against you?".

"I'll tell you later at lunch" he smiles. "Best friends again?" He adds.

"Okay and yes best friends again" I hug him.

"Hands off my girlfriend hood" Michael interrupts.

"Michael chill I was just hugging him".

"Okay well I have to get to class see you later Emily" Calum Scratches his neck awkwardly walking away.

"Let's go to class" I grab his hand.

"Actually I'm going to stay back" he holds back.

"Fine" I walk to my first class.

Michael's P.O.V

Bethany wanted to meet with me so I didn't go to my first class. Actually I wasn't going to go to my first class history is lame.

I walk down the hall to meet Bethany standing by the lockers.

"Hey Mikey".

"Don't call me that, now what did you have to say that was so important" I roll my eyes.

"I just wanted to say watch out for Luke okay, I wanna start fresh with Emily and you. I don't want to be the person as everyone sees me now".

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit were the words going through my head.

"I know about Luke and I don't trust you and neither does Emily so stop trying okay. We are done with this conversation" I walk away outside and pull out a smoke seeing Luke outside too.

"You have to be fucking kidding me" I mumble.

"What's up buddy" he toothy smiles.

"Don't talk to me you jackass".

"So how are you and Emily? I heard she's a great kisser".

"Hemmings I'm warning your ass".

"Is she good in bed?"

"That's it" I aim for a punch in his face hitting him right in the nose causing him to stumble.

"Shit" he holds his nose.

"Talk about Emily again I fucking dare you" I yell.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes getting up from the ground. The bell rings which meant it was second period.

"See your ass around" I walk away.

Emily's P.O.V

"Emily you okay" Calum asks sitting across from me at lunch.

"Oh yeah sorry I was just day dreaming sorry" I lied.

I was worrying about Michael. The last time I saw him was by the lockers. There were rumors saying he left with Bethany which I highly doubt and then rumors for getting suspended for some unknown reason.

"You suck ass at lying you know that Emily" he laughs

"Shut up".

"But seriously you okay?"

"I'm worried about Michael that's all".

"Oh yeah! I heard that he got suspended I don't know why"


"Anyways what was Luke holding against you?" I try forgetting what I was worried about.

"Oh okay please don't laugh at me".

"I won't I pinky promise".

"Emily.. I'm bisexual" he whispers.

"Awh that's so adorable" I ruffle his hair.

"Yeah, yeah" he fixes his hair.

"Hey babe, Sup Calum" Michael sits next to me.

"Michael I thought you were suspended!"

"No I'm not why?"

"There was rumors saying you got suspended for some reason" Calum says.

"What happened to your fist?" I ask pointing to his black and blue fist.

"I just punched someone no biggie"

"No biggie. Really?" Calum laughs.

"You're something else" I laugh.

"Shut up both of youse" he laughs along.

It felt good to have things back to being great in my life for now.

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