Chapter 3

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A/N- I haven't updated in years! It's like 12:00am right now but who cares! Sleep is for the weak.

Emily's P.O.V

Today was Monday, the day I had to go to Michael's house and work on the stupid project. I quickly get dressed, do my makeup and hair.

I run downstairs and wait outside for Calum to ride on the bus together.

I see I tanned skin tone boy with sunglasses running towards me noticing it was Calum.
"Hey Emily"
"Hey Cal"

A silence was there for a moment until the bus came. I get inside the bus sitting by the window, while Calum took a seat next to me.

"Do you wanna come over to my house today?" He ask's out of the blue.

"Calum I would love to but I have to work on a project with Michael".

His bright smile turned into a frown. "Really? Michael? What if he hurts you Emily!"

"It's going to be okay don't worry". I was just saying that to make him calm down. Honestly I was scared to even be next to Michael, but you always have to get over your fears some day.

"Okay fine, but if something happens call me, promise?".
"I promise".

The bus stopped in front of our school and we both got off of the bus. As we headed to the front doors I see Michael and his group smoking looking at us.

Trying to walk past them and ignore them, Bethany quickly blocks my way, "Calum you still haven't left her alone? I'm surprised you haven't gotten a disease yet?" She smirked.

Oh I wish I could just smack that smirk off her face. But I decided to come back at her.

"I could say the same to Michael about you" I could see people gazing at me giving me shocked looks.

"Bitch" she mumbled walking to Michael's arms.

I turn my head to see Calum wide eyeing me. "I never new there was such a bad ass Emily in their" he pointed to me.

"Shut up Calum" I laughed.
We go to our separate ways heading to our classes.


Math was my last period for today and then I go to Michael's. I look at the clock seeing there was only 30 seconds left till school bell rang.

"Brirnnnngggg" the bell rings
I quickly head to my locker getting my stuff.

"You ready?" A deep voice ask's behind my locker.
I close my locker seeing Michael.
"Y-Yeah" I couldn't help but stutter.

We head out to his black nice car. "Here put this on, I don't want to be seen with a ugly bitch" he hands me a black sweater.

I couldn't help but get hurt over the words he said. Was I that of an embarrassment? I quickly put the sweater on trying to hide my face.

He drove heading to his house. He was driving so fast It wasn't funny. "Michael slow down!"

"Whatever" he mumbled. He parked into a garage by a huge house. Of course the house was his.

Michael opens the door for me as I head into his house. I put my stuff in to the couch in the living room and sit next to him.

"So um.." I was really bad at talking to boys.
"Emily don't make this awkward".
"Okay fine, um should we do it on this" I pointed at the text book.
"Yeah whatever".

My bracelets go down revealing my cuts from myself with out noticing. I've been self harming my self lately, and know body knows.

"Did you do that to yourself?" He points to one of my cuts.

Quickly cover my arms. "N-no".

"Is it because of me?"

"Michael it's none of your business".

"Emily, you're beautiful don't do that to yourself".

"Why do you suddenly care?" I ask harshly.

"Because I do, I never meant to go this far" he sounded sad.

"You're joking I kn-" I get cut off my his lips crashing into mine.

"I'm not joking" he looks into my eyes as I look into his green eyes.

"I-I should go" I get up running towards the door.
"Wait how are you going to get home?" He shouted.
"I'll walk!" I ran outside, running to my house.

Is this really life? Just keep running, just keep running.

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