Chapter 2 - Tremblay's Text

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Later that night, you sit quietly on your bed, waiting for Jacob to text you. Your parents had only let you get a phone because you'd persuaded them to. Usually, you didn't rub it in, or spend too much time on it. But this was something you needed to be on for. 

A minute without that beautiful boy, and you where falling head over heels in love. You want to be with him more than even you can imagine. 

When your phone buzzes and lights up, you snatch it, and slam your thumb on the fingerprint sensor. It's from an unknown number. Yes! You say to yourself. This has to be him. 

Unknown Number: um hi? i found this number in my locker today. who is this?

Your heart shimmers with excitement. Jacob actually got your number. But before you can celebrate, you have to focus on not screwing this up. You take a deep breath, and move your thumbs to create the words:

You: i'm Y/N. You stood up for me in the cafeteria today. thanks. 

Unknown Number has changed your contact name to: Y/N 

Y/N has changed Unknown Number's contact name to: Jacob 

Jacob: so, you're welcome?

Y/N: 😘

No! You mentally scream in your head. You were trying to send the thumbs up emoji, but your finger slipped onto the wrong one. Quickly, you type an apology. But before you can send it, Jacob sends a reply. 

Jacob: 😏 what was that for?

You're heart squeals with joy. You backspace until all of your apology text. It seems that he's liking the cute emoji. But to make it sound casual, you continue the conversation. 

Y/N: I feel like I've seen you before. not like in real life, but somewhere else. where you in a commercial or something?

Jacob: yup. i was in a few movies. 

Y/N: Ohhh like what?

Jacob: i was in wonder, luca, good boys, room.

Y/N: i've seen wonder and the room before. that's probably where i saw you. you're jacob tremblay.

Jacob: unfortunately 100% yes

Jacob. Is. A. Movie. Star. Those are the only words you can think of right now. You're texting. On a real phone. With a real guy. Who is a movie star. After a long moment, he texts back. 

Jacob: r you still there?

Y/N: Yeah. 

Jacob: Ok. haha thought you left me 😭.

Y/N: Nope. 

You're mom walks in. "Five more minutes." She says. You nod, and turn back to your phone. You can see from the corner of your eye, that you're mom is looking at you funny. But she turns back, and closes the door of your room as she leaves. 

Y/N: But now i actually have to leave you. gotta go to bed now.  

Jacob: why? it's only 9:13. 

Y/N: my parents. they're very strict. 

Jacob: oh. that sucks. see you at lunch tomorrow?

Y/N: for sure! 😊

Jacob: bye

Y/N: bye.

You turn off your phone reluctantly. You move to your bed, and prepare it for sleeping. Walking over to the light switch, you turn off the lights, leaving you in pitch darkness. 

Falling asleep, all you can think about is the cute, movie star boy that goes to your school. And the fact that he wanted to text you. And the fact that he is. Jacob Tremblay. 

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