Chapter 5 - The Conversation

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When you arrive at your house, Jacob says goodbye, and rides on his bike down the street. You wave as he slips past the corner, and disappears. "Bye Y/N!" he shouts. 

You silently open the front door to your home. Your dad isn't home yet, but your mom is standing right against one of the front windows. "Was that a boy?" she asks, as if she's never heard of one before then. 

"Yeah." You say, setting your backpack on the floor. "He's my friend." you start unloading your schoolbooks. "I got the part of Wendy in the school play." You offer, trying to turn the conversation around. 

"Honey, we need to have a talk." Your mom says. Confused, you look at her. "About boys." she continues. You groan. These kinds of conversations with parents were just the things to make you miserable. Usually, you tried to ditch them. 

You sit down at the dinning table, your mom right across from you. "I don't think you should be hanging around boys." your mom says. 

"Why?" you ask, startled. "He's my friend. And he's really nice. He invited me to come over to his house one time if I'd like." 

"That's the thing." Your mom adds. "We - your father and I - don't think you're really . . . old enough." You glare at her with anger and rage. 

"Excuse me?" You say, standing up. "He's my friend. Don't you dare tell me that I can't see my friend. Also, for your information, I'm not a baby. I am in eighth grade mom. Gosh! You always treat me like I'm five." 

Your mom tries to say something, but you slam your hand on the table, grab your books, and storm up the stairs. You pull out your phone and text Jacob: 

Y/N: My mom doesn't want us to be friends. 

It takes him a minutes to respond. When he does, though, it makes you feel so much better that somebody actually is on your side: 

Jacob: what the heck? thats absurd

Y/N: i know. but i don't care what she says. We can still be friends. 

Jacob: Good. because you're really nice. i really like you

As soon as the last text from Jacob pops up on your screen, you freeze. It's just a friend thing. You tell yourself. He doesn't like like you right? But you can't stop thinking about it. 

You really like like him. But if he does too . . . ? Was this what your mom was talking about? Does she not want you to have a boy be your friend because it could turn into something more? 

You turn on your phone, hoping he wouldn't notice you not responding. You open up your workbooks and homework from school, and start working on it. You need to get your mind off Jacob. Cute, smiling Jacob. 

Ugh. You really need to stop thinking about this.

All through dinner, your family is silent. Nobody speaks a word, and as soon as you're done, you clear your dishes and run up to your room. Your parents share a look. They look very guilty. 

You go to bed early. You do not want to see your parents again tonight. So at eight PM, you bury yourself under your covers and fall into a deep sleep, dreaming about your crush. 

Crushed - Jacob Tremblay X Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now