Chapter 6 - Jacob's Sister

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You and Jacob are sitting at the edge of a small pond. Moonlight is reflecting off the clear water, as your feet make small ripples in it. "Y/N?" Jacob asks gently. 

You turn to look at him. "Mmm?"  you ask. 

"I should've told you this before . . . but," he pauses. Carefully, he takes your hands in his. His deep brown eyes meet your own. "I love you." 

Slowly, you lean towards each other. You can feel his warm breath on your face as you come in closer. Closing your eyes, you reach for his kiss -

"Y/N!" Your mom screams in your face, shaking you vigorously. "Wake up! You're gonna be late for school?"

You sit up in a haze, confused. Disappointed for sure that it was just a dream. You fall off the bed backwards as your mom sighs with frustration. "What?" you ask, not sure exactly what's happening. 

"Get up." Your mom says like she's trying to explain something to a toddler. "Get dressed. And get to school." You shake your head, realizing what your mom was saying. You were going to be late for school. 

You pull on some clothes, brush your teeth (without even eating breakfast), grab your bag, and run to school. It's only a five minute walk, so it shouldn't take long. 

Right at eight AM, you burst into the school building. You sigh with relief when you realize classes haven't started yet. Kids are still at their lockers, putting things away for before class. 

"Boo!" Somebody says from behind you. You let out a startled squeak, and turn around. Jacob's behind you, doubling up with laughter. "Hi." he says, smiling his adorable little smile. You blush just thinking about it. 

"Hi." You say, staring into his eyes dreamily. 

He must've noticed, because he continued talking. "This is my little sister, Erica." he motions to the small girl standing behind him, who shyly waves at you. She seems to be around 11 or 12 years old. 

"My other sister, Emma, is at the high school." Jacob explains. "It's her last year there, and she starts classes earlier than us. She couldn't come, but she really wants to meet you." 

You nod. "I have to get to Math." Erica says to her brother. She gives him a quick hug, and runs off. You watch her speed around the corner, her brown hair flying out behind her. 

"She's adorable." you say, turning back to Jacob. 

Jacob tears his hand through his hair. "I think she got that from me." he says, raising his eyebrows and smiling. You blush more than you had been before. Jacob notices, and blushes too. When you both turn around to get to your lockers, a loud noise splits through the silence of the school. 

"Miss Winters and Mr. Tremblay, please report to the principal's office."

You look around, realizing that all the students were already in class. Sighing, you head to the principal's office, just like the intercom speaker had told you to. Jacob follows your lead. 

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