Chapter 3 - Lunch Meeting

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"Hey," Jacob says sitting at your table during lunch. The Funtastic four glared at the two of you from a few tables over. But Jacob shrugged at them, and sat down at your side. 

"Hi!" You say. Your heart flutters like a zillion butterflies. Jacob starts eating the lunch from his tray. Sadly, your parents made you the same sandwich - again. You sigh. Jacob is about to put his pizza in his mouth. 

But he pauses. "We can trade if you want," He suggests. "I don't really like pizza anyway." 

"Thank god." You say, pushing your lunchbox in front of him, as he shoves the pizza next to you. You moan with the taste of the cheese and sauce. It's been a very long time since you've eaten something this good. 

"MMMM." Jacob sighs as well. He gobbles up your sandwich. 

"I don't see how you can like those things." you say. Your parent's food makes you want to gag it up right onto the plate. Especially if you eat it almost every. Freaking. Day

"I don't know." Jacob says, his mouth really full. "I like it." 

You laugh, and start talking. It seems that Jacob likes you. But the way he's talking and stuff makes it feel like he only likes you as a friend. It breaks your heart to think of you two like that. Things change though. 

Right after school, you have drama club. Jacob's not in it. Your best friend Irene is there. While waiting for your teacher to arrive in the auditorium your phone buzzes and lights up. It's a text from Jacob: 

Jacob: hey

Y/N: hi whats up?

Jacob: i was wondering if you wanted to meet up someplace after your drama thing.

Y/N: that sounds great! 

Jacob: does that new cafe down the block from school sound good?

Y/N: Perfect. gotta go now, teachers coming

Jacob: see u in an hour. 

Y/N: k bye!

You stand up as the teacher stands up on the stage. She always starts drama club with a bit of a speech. For this semester's performance, you were doing Peter Pan. 

"I have a big announcement." Mrs. Jenny, the drama teacher, said. "Today, I will be giving out parts to everyone. So, once every body gets their lines, make sure to run through them once with a partner or two." 

Everyone cheers. Getting your part in a play is always exciting. But you were always just an extra. This year, you'd worked your hardest. You really wanted to be Wendy. 

"For the part of Peter pan." Mrs. Jenny started. "Is Oliver Braxton." 

Everyone cheered, clapping their hands, and standing up. Oliver Braxton stood up and gave everyone a smile. He sat back down. He was very popular in the school, and everyone wanted to be his friend. Of course he got the big part. 

"And for the part of Wendy," Mrs. Jenny continued, shushing the class. "Is Y/N Winters." 

Irene stands up, clapping. Only a few people join her. You smile nervously at the stampede of people staring at you, not caring what part you got. They look disgusted. You push up your glasses, which were slipping down your nose. 

Great. Now you really look like a nerd. You tell yourself. Mrs. Jenny continues giving out parts to other students. There are a few lost boys. Irene gets to be Slightly. You clap for her when she is awarded her role. 

Once everyone gets their character, you team up with the boy who's going to be captain hook, and run through lines with him. Then, when the club is over, you slip your back pack over your shoulders, and head for the cafe down the block. 

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