Chapter 19 - Hospitals Suck

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Machines beep. Hushed workers bend your arms and legs in weird positions. Bandages are pressed on you, and fluids are forced into your body. 

Your eyes, crusted with tears finally allow themselves to open up to the world. Your mom leans over you, as well as your dad. 

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Are you alright?"

You cover your ears as best you can with your injuries, unable to make out exactly what they are saying. A doctor ushers your startled, and wanting parents out as you mutter things to yourself. Even you don't know what  you're saying. 

"I'll be right back." Promises a nurse, going to get something. She leaves you alone for a moment. But not for long. 

Instead of her coming back though, it's somebody completely different. "Jacob!" You exclaim with surprise. He shushes you with his finger, making it clear that he wants you to be completely quiet. 

"I'm sorry." He cries, tears slipping sadly down his cheeks. He sits down, eyeing you up and down. You cover yourself up, blushing furiously. You're only wearing those little dress things the doctor makes you wear. Jacob sits down at the end of your bed. 

"It's my fault."


Jacob looks at you with confusion. "It's mine." You croak, continuing. "I was the one who wore that makeup. I was the one who wanted to impress you.  am the one who needs to be blamed." 

"Y/N," Jacob starts. His eyes are spilling tears now. His bottom lip quivers. "Look what I did to you. I know what you were trying to do. And it was me who acted that way." 

"Jacob." You say, grabbing his hand. "Please don't blame yourself. It just makes it harder for me. Promise me you won't blame yourself. Please."

"Whatever you wish." He agrees. He slides closer, hand brushing against your chest. He quickly dips down for a light kiss, and stands up. "I'll see you later." he promises. 

A few mere seconds after he leaves, the nurse returns looking puzzled. "Who was that?" she asks, busying herself with her work. 

"A friend." You say simply, not wanting to give out too many details. Making yourself comfortable, you try and recall the question you had wanted to ask somebody. "How long was I missing?" You ask the nurse. 

"They said two days." The nurse said. "You're very lucky to be this well." 

Two days? That was more than enough time to die of something. Well it's better to be in a hospital with a bunch of fussy doctors and nurses then stranded out in the woods with nothing to eat or drink. But still - hospitals suck. 

Crushed - Jacob Tremblay X Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now