Chapter 11 - So Grounded

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The rest of pajama day was more than you could ask for. The fun-tastic four embarrassed themselves trying to get back at you and Jacob. They acquired a new nickname from everybody: the Lame-tastic four. 

Jacob said goodbye to you at the end of the day. "See you later!" He'd called. You smiled to yourself, and waved as you walked home. 

Now, you lay in bed, dreaming about him. How his smile makes his dimples stick out on the side of his cheeks. How he tosses his hair when it gets into his eyes. You turn onto your back and sprawl out on your bed. 

Thump. You crane your head towards the noise.  Both of your parents are standing at the door. You blush. They've probably been standing there for  a while. 

"Y/N." Your mom says. Oh no. You're in trouble. That Y/N means something's up. "Give me your phone." 

Your eyes go wide. If you give her your phone, she'll see the flirty messages between you and Jacob. The things you talked about? She'd know. "Why?" you ask. 

Your parents sigh. "You've been spending a lot of time on it, and usually you don't we want to know why." Your dad says, sitting on your bed next to you. "And it seems like you don't want to tell us, so we have to take your phone from you."

Your phone bings. You try to cover up the notification, reading what the front of your phone says, but your dad picks it up before you can touch it. 

"Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend?" he says in awe, reading the message. 

You lunge for the phone, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Give it back." You wrestle for your phone with your dad. But he'd smarter than you and keeps it away. "I have my own life, and I don't want you barging into it." you scream. 

"Grounded." Your mom shouts over the chaos. "You're so grounded young lady. After school, you are not allowed to leave your room. And at school you are not allowed to see that boy."

"UGH!" You scream, throwing a pillow at the two of them in anger. "GET OUT OF MY LIFE. YOU ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ME!" 

For a moment your parents just stand in the doorway, hurt. Then they walk away. Your stomach churns, thinking of all the horrible things you've just said. You sit on your bed and start to cry. Could things get worse? 

They could. The next day, you get to school. "Jacob!" You cry, racing after him in the hallway before first period. He stops and lets you catch up. 

You explain everything to him. Throughout the whole story, he stares sadly at his locker. "Oh." he says at the end. The sound of the principal's heels echo around the room. 

"Miss Winters." She scolds, grabbing hold of your arm. You gasp from the amount of pain it causes. "This is not your locker, and you are not supposed to be with Mr. Tremblay. Your parents told me about your new rule. Come with me." 

You look at Jacob for backup. But he stands there in silence as the principal drags you away. How bad could your parents get?

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