Chapter 4 - Coffee At The Cafe

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You walk down the street, headed for the coffee shop Jacob told you to meet him at. As you turn the corner, you spot it. 

It's an old brick building, with new windows, and comfy little seats outside and inside. 'Cameron's Coffee' it said on the sign above the shop. You walk in, and a bell rings, signaling your arrival. 

Jacob is sitting at a table on his phone, texting somebody. When he hears the bell, he stands up and comes over to you. "Hi." 

"Hey," You reply. "Have you ordered anything yet?"

"Nope." Jacob says. "Let's get in line."

That's exactly what you do. When it's your turn, you pull out your wallet, and ask the cashier for a cinnamon roll and a chocolate milkshake. You pay your money, and the lady hands you your stuff. 

Jacob orders next, getting a muffin and a strawberry milkshake. You sit down together at a small table, and start talking. 

"Did you see Mrs. Ell today?" Jacob asks. "She was wearing the most ridiculous outfit." 

"I didn't." You admit. "Tell me. What did the outfit look like?"

"It was this pink, frilly skirt thing with a matching shirt." Jacob explains. "It was the funniest thing I've ever seen somebody wear. My grandma would probably want to wear something like that. It's totally her style." 

You both break into laughter. You cover your mouth when it lets out a small snort. Kind of like a pig. That makes the both of you laugh even more. A few people look over to you, smiling. But they quickly turn back to whatever they're doing. 

"You should come over to my house sometime." Jacob offered. "I think my sisters might like meeting you." 

"Really?" You ask with astonishment. You blush when Jacob looks at you funny. "It's just . . . nobody except my best friend has ever asked - or mentioned - me to go to their house." 

Jacob blushes too. "Well you're welcome to come any time you want." he says. You finish eating your food, and sipping on your drinks in silence. Soon, your phone buzzes. It's from your mom: 

Mom: hey baby, where are you?

Y/N: im at a coffee shop with a friend is that ok

Mom: sure. just be home in half an hour. 

Y/N: ok. Thanks mom

You turn to Jacob, who's looking at you questioningly. "My mom." you explain. "She wants me to be home in a while." 

"Oh. Ok." Jacob says. "Is it okay if I ride my bike home with you?" 

"That's fine." You say. Slowly, you start throwing the napkins and empty wrappers away from your table. You're about to leave, when you realize you've forgotten your backpack. You run to the table where you left it. 

Without realizing it, you bump into a man carrying a drink in his hand. It spills all over your shirt, staining the whole front completely. 

"I'm so sorry." The man said. He hands you a napkin, and you start wiping the coffee off. Jacob hurries over, grabbing a napkin. He helps too. 

Soon the shirt was just stained a bit, but nothing more could come out of it. "I'm sorry." the man said yet again. "Is there something I can do to pay you or something?"

"No, it's ok." You say, throwing away the drink soaked napkins. "I didn't really like this shirt anyway." 

"If you're sure." the man says, taking a last glance at you. He steps out of the cafe. You grab your backpack, and head out the door after him. 

"That was pretty weird." You say. Jacob nods in agreement while he grabs his bike, and you two start walking down the street to your house. 

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