🌸 Chapter Thirteen

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Sorata's POV:

Mashiro and I were sat across the dining, me scrolling through posts on my phone and her flipping through the pages of a magazine.


"Hm?", I asked, looking up from phone.

"Do you think Nanami brought her umbrella with her?", she asked back, setting her magazine on the table.

"I hope so. The weather app did say it's going to rain today.", I replied, looking back to my phone.

"What colour is her umbrella again?"

"Not sure. Probably navy blue or dark blue, why--", and there the umbrella was. She pointed behind the flower vase on the middle of the table.

"Poor Nanami. She'd get soaked in the rain. Please bring this to her, Sorata.", Mashiro handed me the said umbrella. The act made me smile. This is the girl I fell in love with. She might still be having a hard time expressing her feelings, but she always care. She cares a lot.

"There are bread rolls on the counter and puddings in the fridge, in case you feel hungry. I'll be off now. Love you!", I said, putting on my shoes.

"Be fast. Be faster than the rain. Love you too."

The last bit came out as whisper, I'm so thankful I didn't miss it.

*several hours earlier*

The light was on in the living when I went downstairs. Mashiro asked me to buy her some snacks at the convenience store. She has been craving during midnight, lately.

Script books were scattered on the dining and a lump figure was mumbling words repeatedly in her seat. I heard tomorrow is the big day for Nanami and I wish her a good luck with the audition.

"Don't leave! Please don't leave...me."

I stopped tracks upon hearing, turning around from the foyer.

"I'm off to the convenience store. Do you want me to buy you something?"

Nanami only shook her head and continued practicing. I wonder if she'll be alright for tomorrow. I can only imagine the nerves bothering her. I really hope she gets the part.

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