🌸 Chapter Five

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"Alright. Done.", Rita said aloud. She was alone in her room, so she thought it was just fine. Besides, she was really excited to finish the painting to see how it turns out.

She stood up from her stool to see a better view. "My inspiration. My love. My everything.", she whispered to herself as she stared at it.

After cleaning her brushes and stuff, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands and face. They were almost covered with paint. She works a bit messy. Real messy. She knows she's painting at her best when she gets covered with paint. That's why she doesn't seem to mind how many times she had to clean herself up.

After the bathroom door's closed, Rita dumped her shirt at the basket. Her shirt also got some paint on it. She turned to the sink and started washing her hands thoroughly. Then, she washed her face and made sure no more paint was left. After having dried herself with a towel, she went to her dresser to change. After changing into a pink t-shirt, the door bell rang.

She immediately covered the painting with a white cloth before coming to the front door.

"I wonder who it is.", Rita said as she opened the door, as she wasn't expecting anyone at all. There was no one at her door though. She was about to close the door when a when a girl jumped in front of her. "Hey! Wait!", the girl said. The girl probably noticed the blonde was a bit frozen in surprise.

"Oops, I didn't mean...umm. Sorry, hi?", the girl said with a frown.

Rita patted this girl's head and said, "It's fine. I was just surprised. Hey. Please don't frown. It'll ruin your cute face."

"Eh? Thanks! You're pretty yourself. No! Beautiful is much appropriate."

The little girl stared at Rita, most specifically at her eyes, making her feeling slightly awkward.

"Excuse me, have we..umm..met?", Rita asked.

This girl has hazelnut brown eyes. Her dark brown hair was laying down on her shoulder. She was wearing a brown coat barely covering her little black dress.

"Nope! This is the first time. We just moved in here, so I just dropped by to say hello. Ya know? New neighbors! Yey!"

The girl handed Rita a small blue paper bag she was hiding behind her back before.

"Oh, I see. Welcome to the neighborhood! This is for me? Thank you. That's very sweet."

"Yup! No worries. They're just candies. I'd like to share them with you. They're not much, but they're sweet. And sweets make a girl happy, a beautiful girl such as yourself must be happy. So don't...don't be sad anymore. Okay?"

"How sweet. Wait. Me? Sad?"

Sad. That word reminded Rita of someone.

"Yup, beautiful. Sad. Anyway, I'm Diana. Nice to meet ya!"

"I'm Rita. Nice to meet you as well."

Beautiful? Sad? Those two words made her remember the guy she met at the exhibit. That guy named William.

The little girl smiled happily at Rita, making her smile as well. Rita ate a candy and shared another with Diana. They stared at each other and then bursted into laughter. They continued like that until they heard a voice.

"Diana. Where are you?", came from a familiar voice.

"Here. Brother, here!", Diana shouted while waving her hand.

"So she has a brother.", Rita said to herself.

The 'brother' spotted them and went towards their location. This brother they were talking about seems very familiar. As he walked closer to the two, Rita took a short look at him. White colored hair. Ice blue eyes. Confirmed. He really is familiar. He looks like....

"William! Brother, here.", Diana said.

William. Yes. Rita was right. The boy was wearing a blue hoodie with his brown shorts. He ran towards the two and hugged his little sister.

"You made me worried. You told me that you'll be very quick.", he said with a very worried voice.

"Sorry...but hey! She's pretty nice.", Diana told him while pulling off from the hug.

The boy released her, and stood up to look at his new neighbor. His jaw slightly dropped and his eyes widened a bit when he saw Rita.

The world really is small. Its big, but hey. They meet again and now they're neighbors.

"I..umm..hi?", he tried so hard to say something. Then, he heard her giggle.

"Hey, William. You have a very cute little sister and I find her sweet too. Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood! I know, I may not be of that much help, but just call me when you need anything. We could share some snacks sometime.", Rita said.

"Yeah. Umm. Thanks. Nice to be here."

"Bye, bye. Beautiful. Don't be sad anymore.", Diana told Rita as she hugged her legs.

"How did you....", William started.

"Know that she was sad? Her eyes. I saw it on her eyes.", Diana continued the sentence and answered.

"My cute little sis.", he said with a smile.

"You two really are siblings. Both sweet, eh? Bye. Bye."

"Right and he's mine! Hahaha.", Diana shouted playfully and ran her way back to their house.

"Hey!", William waved a quick goodbye to Rita before running after his sister.

Rita followed their tracks with her eyes. Their new house is a road down from hers. A lot of encounters are to be expected, then?

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