🌸 Chapter One

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Jin did study well. He skipped grades and finished early. He became the best young scriptwriter in Osaka. Several companies tried to employ him. He had a dilemma about which one to work at. He chose the most comfortable one, where he can concentrate on his profession.

One time, an employee shared what he saw at the internet. Jin did not pay attention, for he thought it was irrelevant. But then, something drew his attention. Something sentimental. It was about the girl he love, Misaki. The news was that Misaki made an excellent anime, and is about to be premiered on television and theaters. She had become popular, but still remained simple.

Hearing something about her made Jin smile. The premier of the anime was scheduled on his birthday. He thought that it was only a coincidence. The anime was entitled "JIN". He found it odd.

Everyone talked about the upcoming anime and its creator. Jin couldn't help thinking about her, ever since he heard the news. Different thoughts filled his mind. Every night, he would look at the moon; and wonder if she is looking at it too.

Misaki, who misses Jin so much, was very excited about her anime. Jin may not know it, but everything about it was planned. She actually intended to play it on his birthday. And the anime was the one she made before Jin gave her the ring. In short, the anime was about her feelings for him, and her experiences at Sakurasou.

The premier night was quiet. Almost quiet. Everyone was excited to watch the anime. The only noise one will hear is the sound of the television playing in houses. The first part of the anime was perfect. There was a girl named Misaki, who loves a guy named Jin. The story unfolded when Jin opened the main door of the dorm, and got surprised when Misaki greeted Jin happy birthday in a very unique way. Her body was covered with cake. Everyone didn't see that coming; and found it very interesting.

Jin was startled when he saw that scene. But deep inside his heart, he felt overwhelmed and touched. She made his birthday perfect, with a simple anime she made from the heart.

The anime lasted for a month and a half. Everyone was satisfied with the ending. As a result, Misaki became popular even more. She was recognized as the youngest female anime creator in the world. Many guys had insolent thoughts about her.

Well, Misaki is undeniably hot, smart and young. No wonder many guys go after her. She doesn't pay attention to those guys, for she is already married to the man she loves, Jin. Jin, still clueless about the marriage, find it difficult to stop being jealous about it.

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