🌸 Chapter Three

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Ryuunoske's changed.

Although Rita still kept on visiting him at Sakurasou, he didn't find her smothering anymore. He began opening up a little to other people. He can now chat with some other people without any hesitation. He's really changed.. But, he hasn't even noticed it yet.

"I'm not gonna fall in love again. No. I mustn't. ", he always remind to himself. When he feel like talking to Rita, some flashbacks of his unrequited love comes to mind. So, he can't talk to Rita that much. He's afraid...of the thing called...Love..

He doesn't like to be with Rita, but he prefers that way rather than Rita being with some other guy. Except from the Rita's habit of kissing him, he sees her as a nice and warm person. A dream girl, in fact.

Sometimes he would ask himself how could a girl like that, like Rita, be in love with a boring guy like himself. Things had sadly continued that way for a while.

Still into gaming and programming, Ryuunoske lock himself up in his room and look at the monitor every night. Nothing seems special about it, but someone was seemingly confused about what's happening on her master.

Maid-chan, his own A.I. program, is worried about her master's situation. Ryuunoske regularly opens Rita's official profile, reads daily news about her in England, and saves a lot of her pictures in his computer. He has even customized most of his gadgets to put a touch of Rita and her pictures everywhere. He did several things that were utterly confusing to anyone, really.

His feelings for her grew as he continued doing things like that. That's good thing for Rita, right? The sad part of it all though was that Ryuunoske still hasn't realized any of what he did or what he actually felt towards the girl.

Maid-chan is genuinely happy that her master has began to smile again because of Rita. The only thing that saddens her was the fact that Ryuunoske still hasn't come to his senses.

So...she would always tell her master that he has already fallen in love with Rita...in the most subtle ways possible. There are times when she would tell him, "Someone like Rita would be a great girlfriend. She's beautiful and has a bit of a sense of humor too. Maybe she'll make you happy, Master. She loves you so much, and I know you feel the same way too." Or maybe not so subtle at all?

Ryuunoske, the dense he already is, continued to act like nothing is happening. He thought Rita would never stop loving him, even if he stays that way. He thought nothing will ever change the closeness they have at the moment.

Turns out, he was wrong. Very wrong. Something big will come into their lives and it might test their feelings for each other. Who knows what it shall be? Good or bad for them both?

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