🌸 Chapter Nine

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I-i... 😭 I was supposed to be writing an update now, but I just can't!

I'm terribly sorry... 😭

I was in the middle of writing a chapter for a different book when...when MY WEDDING RING FELL OFF MY FINGER!

And when I stood up to pick it up, it was gone like it went fucking poof!

Not even a trace left. As in GONE!

I thought it kinda rolled a bit somewhere, considering that my left hand was resting on the side of my desk while I was busy typing on my phone...the ring probably bounced or something when it fell down.

So I looked around for it. I even moved the couch and like every furniture nearby, but I found NOTHING!

I lost the mood to write something meaningful tonight. I know...this wouldn't have happened if I updated this book sooner.

😭 I-i just...you feel what I'm feeling right now? My mind's actually a total blank now. I can't think of anything sane.

I want my ring back. My mind feels so crazy. Everything feels so fucking crazy. I think I'm going to lose myself!

It hurts. It fucking hurts. My head--it aches so much.

I searched everywhere for it, but all I found was a total disappointment.

Please forgive me, I don't think I can do this tonight. I think I would break down. No, I know I just might!

You see, I was fucking inspired this month. I even noted down the comments and reads on ALL OF MY WORKS.

I ranked them according to their number of reads, votes and comments.

This book snatched the first place, having 3.7k reads, 96 votes and 47 comments.

You are all so amazing! That was absolutely incredible.

You know, this was actually the first book I've ever written in my whole life! This may be a simple fan fiction to others, but this book holds a special room in my heart...up to this very second.

So yeah, after I finished ranking all of them respectively, I've decided to divide them into odd and even.

I started off updating with the odd team...things were going very smoothly from the most bottom part, but plans just don't get followed in the long run.

That's exactly what happened to my case. This book is ranked number ONE! So it should probably should've been updated before I moved onto the even team, but that's not how it went.

I sorta updated whichever book I get an idea for in random. So the order wasn't followed anymore.

I wanted to save the best for last...too much for my epic-ness...I left the last spot on the very last day to this one!

I just finished all of my announced chapters on my 12 works and I was only finishing up for this special book when the horror occurred!




Sincerely sorry,
hprincess_diana 👑

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