🌸 Chapter Two

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Misaki had to go to Osaka for her new anime. Although she doesn't need a scriptwriter, she still went to Osaka to find one. She had a reason behind this. So, as she had predicted, the very first scriptwriter recommended to her was her love, Jin.

While she is busy working at the requirements and stuff, Jin let out a loud sigh. He miss her so much; but all he can do is stare at her picture in his cellphone. Suddenly, a group of men passed by. They were talking about her. One of them said, "Oh geez, that girl is so hot. Why don't we try to rape her?." Then, the others began to laugh. Jin, who was angry and jealous, didn't let them go unharmed. So he went in front of them, and punched one down. The quiet hallway was filled with riot. Jin had a chance to knock those guys out; but he just warned them, and let them go.

It so happened that Misaki was passing by when the whole situation happened. She just stood there, watching her love fighting for her. She was touched. Very touched. He went all through that because he got jealous and angry. That means he really do love her.

As Jin turned around, a big hug came onto his chest. He didn't try to let go. He knew that it was her. Both felt the heat burning smoothly onto their skin. Three words came out from his mouth. "I love you." And just before she could say anything, he wrapped his arms in her waist; and dragged her body closer to his. Their lips met. They missed each other so much. They love each other so much.

After that passionate kiss, he started to ask her some questions. "How did you get here?" "What's going on?" And she answered those questions politely. "I rode the train to get here." She began to smile. "You and I will be working together! And I am so excited about it." He grinned.

Although Jin did not fully understand what that meant, he went to the head's office with her. The head welcomed the two, and seemed very excited. Then the head spoke to them. "Please take your seats, and we shall discuss about something."

The three sat at the couch, and listened carefully to what the head was saying. Everything was well explained by the head. Jin finally understood everything.

Then the head permitted them to go somewhere, if it would be beneficial for their work. The head knew about their relationship. That's why. As the two closed the door, different thoughts filled their mind.

Jin and Misaki decided to go home. So they rode the train. While sitting on the train, Misaki looked sad. Jin noticed it, and asked why. Misaki told him something he did not understand. "I am so sorry. I did something without your consent." The whole trip was filled with awkward silence. Jin didn't know how to respond to her.

Jin noticed something about Misaki's house. It was just beside Sakurasou. He didn't know about Misaki buying a new house. He didn't notice that his name was written on a side of the gate. Misaki still looked sad. Then, she spoke those words again. "I am so sorry. I did something without your consent." But this time, Jin replied with a confused look. "Why? What is that something? Tell me."

Misaki took a deep breath, and told everything. "I submitted the marriage application that you had filled in. I got married to you, without you knowing it. I just wanted to be officially yours. That's why." Jin was shocked by this revelation. He got angry at her. Not because of what she did. He got mad because he realized how dumb he was. "So you're saying that you're now officially mine?" And she replied, "Yes. I am yours. You can do anything you want to do with me. I love you."

After hearing what she had said, Jin gave her a comfortable hug. He didn't want to waste their time any longer. He kissed her. He whispered... "I love you too." Then they decided to have a date. They had loads of fun together. They returned home in the evening.

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