🌸 Special Chapter Two

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Iori's POV

"Describe Sakurasou in one word.", my bandmate said.

"Siiiick.", I said, pressing hard on the keys.

"Knew you'd say that.", Isle said as he went to put back his bass on its case.

I stretched my hands and let out a loud yawn. Isle probably heard me because he asked, "Tired already, Iori?"

"Who wouldn't be? We've been practicing hard all day.", I picked up my bag from the side as I answered.

"Can't help it. The winter musiX festival is coming up.", he said with a hard pat on my back.

MusiX festival, huh? Sounds fun. But still, all these practices wear me out. Why did I even signed up in this club? I don't want to anymore! Kiddin! Why else? I love music, obviously. Sounds gay, but I started getting fond of it the moment I heard my sis play the piano. Music became my soul. I can't live without it. Reality is boring, but if you add music to it...you never know what happens next.

Good thing sis was kind enough to teach me play few pieces after school. She lets me borrow her CDs. And before graduation, she gave me her headphones.

I grabbed my headphones and placed it around my neck.

"Iori, put those on.", I heard Isle say pointing his finger at my neck.

"This?", I put on my headphones and gave him a confused look as I turned it on.

I saw him pressing on his phone screen, then click...a song played.

Upon hearing the sound of it, I already knew who sang this one. Isle, obviously! It's clearly his voice.

Oh wait. He sings? Isle, the "oohh" bass boy, actually sings?! All he does when we practice is keep 'oohh-ing' on the background. I always thought he didn't had the voice, but this---Isle cut my thoughts when he paused the song.

"Hey!", I shouted as he placed his phone back inside his pocket.

No fair. I glared at him, but he just chuckled at my face.

"Mind blown?", he asked teasingly.

"It's dynamite. Absolutely dynamite.", I said, looking away from him.

I felt his arm on my shoulder as he whispered, "Thanks..."

Thanks? For what? He really has a nice voice. Yet stays so wasted. Wait. The song seems familiar. More of like songs, if that even makes any sort of sense. Is it like what they call a mash-up nowadays? If it is, he did a good job because it sounded pretty well.

"I'm planning on composing my own, but I'm not much of a writer...", he said, shyly rubbing his neck.

"I think I can help with the lyrics. What do you say?", I said, waiting for a fist bump if he was cool with it.

"Deal.", he cheekily smiled as he said, throwing me one hard fist bump.

Writing our own song, hm? I honestly think we can pull this one off.

Wait a minute.

"Since when has it gotten dark outside?", I groaned, looking up as we walked from school. The stars were glittering on the dark blue sky. I'm guessing it's a new moon tonight.

Tonight? I'm on duty today! I totally forgot about that. I'm the one, who has to buy and prepare food for dinner tonight. We, at Sakurasou, came up with a daily cycle regarding the groceries.

I was pushed around before I could even put my palm on my face.

"What the?", I asked throwing dagger glares at Isle.

"You seemed out. What's wrong?", he looked worried.

"I forgot to buy something for dinner.", I face palmed.

"Hey, the supermarket's not that far, we could stop by and buy food."

Just how positive could this guy be? No time! I don't have time for this. They're probably home by now, and waiting for dinner. I can feel my face turning gray with the thought of how weirder they could be when they get hungry. They're all equally scary...

"Iori, my house is that way. See ya tom. Don't you dare be late on practice.", Isle handed me the paper bags he was carrying and headed on his way.

You didn't have to tell me that...

I had a hard time opening the gate and main door because of the paper bags I was carrying. I bought lots of food, in case someone might visit tonight. I think I've gotten used to having visitors most of the time. Cause really. You never know what happens next. Especially at Sakurasou. Everything is just so sick!

I removed my shoes by the door. And before I could put them at a side, someone opened--no--barged on the door and then...the next thing I know, I was laying on the floor, left with nothing but darkness. Did someone turn the lights off? I tried to get up, and that's when I realized the paper bag was covering my face. I removed it, and got surprised upon seeing the other paper bags scattered on the floor.

What happened just now? Then, I heard footsteps not far from outside the door.

"Ohh, sorry about this. Let me help you with that.", the guy with eye-glasses offered a hand on picking up the paper bags.

"Thanks...", I whispered.

"Don't mention it. It was partly my fault because she's my other half. Again, sorry. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you and your groceries."

Now I remember him! He's a former resident here. My sis knows him. Mitaka Jin, the young scriptwriter. He looks like a Casanova if you'll ask me. He lives near here. Just next door, actually. And huge breasts-sempai ehem I mean, Misaki-sempai lives with him.

"Must be hard to have a wife as hyperactive like Misaki-sempai.", I patted him as I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Not at all, Iori-kun.", Jin-san shook his head as he walked towards the kitchen. He probably noticed the contents were for dinner when he helped me pick the paper bags up.

I smiled and followed him. Then, I saw him washing his hands. I gave him a confused look. He just laughed and asked me if I could assist him in cooking. He'll be helping me? Cool.

Before I even got my hands in the kitchen, the dinner was ready to be served. I take back what I said!

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