🌸 Bonus Chapter

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Author's note:

I know, I know. I'll make this short.

Lads, sincere apologies for taking so long. I've been writing drafts this whole time, but I just can't choose any acceptable for publishing.

I've become worse in writing romances. I still don't find this chapter worth giving a shot, but I really want to update !

For the nth time, thank you for reading this book and following me. Please bear with my misspells and such.

Lots of love,

End of Author's note


Sorata's POV

Only a week left before Christmas vacation.

Christmas, huh? I've never really put much thought about it, but it's been a year already...since that night.

"Sorata-san, is Shiina with you?"

"She isn't. Is something the matter?"

"She was here a while ago. I think she went outside..."

Outside... Outside?! What was she thinking? I have to go. I need to go!

I handed the umbrella to Nanami and ran my way on search for Shii--Mashiro!

Wait. Why am I remembering these embarrassing things now?

I shook my head at the thought.

That night.

Jin's POV

A loud yawn escaped my lips as I lazily opened an eye. Everything still looked a bit hazy to me.

I held my head as I sat up from bed. My vision began to clear up.

I sighed and slumped back onto bed. I wonder what time it is... No one would mind me sleeping in, perhaps? I nodded, agreeing to my thoughts. I closed my eyes and lied down to sleep again...until...something crossed my mind.

I wasn't alone.

At that moment, I started hearing the soft snoring sound from my side. Wait. Side? Don't tell me...

I averted my eyes to my left and there Misaki was, in full glory, sound asleep beside me. She was holding my hand.

What a relief! There's nothing to be panicking about. Everything's fine.

How many times has it been? I lost count. I've been waking up in this pathetic way, since that day.

"I am so sorry. I did something without your consent."

"Why? What is that something? Tell me."

"I submitted the marriage application that you had filled in. I got married to you, without you knowing it. I just wanted to be officially yours. That's why."

"So you're saying that you're now officially mine?"

"Yes. I am yours. You can do anything you want to do with me. I love you."

After hearing what she had just said, my heart skipped a beat. No, it was more like it stopped beating. Confused with mixed emotions, I pulled her closer and hugged her, having my arms wrapped around her waist.

At that very moment, all I wanted was to kiss her. Own her. And I did.

I could still feel the blood rushing through my cheeks, every time I remember it.

"So what's there to be panicking about?", I heard the voice inside me say.

It echoed and echoed until I finally found the words to say.

The next day. That very day was a total bliss and a disaster!

I've finally gotten used to sleeping alone. In a single bed. Nobody else involved with my life anymore.

I've quitted sleeping around with so many girl friends. I've decided to live in peace and focus on my study.

That's why when I woke up that day. I thought it was going to be the end of me.

I wasn't alone. I wasn't freaking alone.
And that scared the whole lot of me.

I finally calmed myself down when I realized that it was Misaki. She became my wife.

That day.

Ryuunosuke's POV

Winter. I've never liked it till now.

I realized being cold is not that bad. Cold is not bad. Unlike that lad...

You have an email

Who gives a damn about email?

"Master, you have an email!", Maid-chan says.

"It's from England!", she says.

So? Appreciating the winter is much more important right now. I'd better spend the rest of the day rolled up in my blanket, rather than open an upsetting email. This coldness is addicting. I'm liking it better this way.

"Email. Email!", she kept on. "Okay, I'll open it. You can stop now!"

I lazily unlocked my phone to read.

"Always in my heart, @R_Dragon. Yours sincerely, @Rita_Ainsworth."

How did she find out my email, anyway? Just before I was about to lock my phone again, something popped up on the screen.

You have received an email, it says.

"News from England! To open, click on the link below:"

I subconsciously clicked the said link.

"Young British painter, Rita Ainsworth has been spotted taking a walk with a GUY!!

We have been informed about the guy, Rita has been seeing these past few days.

It turns out that the guy is her new neighbor. His name is William Tomlins. Formerly known as painter. Now switched his career as a professional photographer.


I have reached the end of the article. I put my phone back on the side table and sighed.

These are the kind of headlines that I can't stand! Why did I even bother opening it?

I let out another sigh. It's supposed to be the season to spread love and learn forgiveness.

It was. Until that moment!

Until the very moment I saw a snoop of her with some other punk.

Everything has changed. I just had to change.

That moment.

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