🌸 Chapter Nine

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Iori's POV

Our PE instructor clapped four times, calling our attention.

"All band members, please proceed to the band room. Our PEHM class is about to start."

Isle gave me a heavy pat before going on ahead.

"Hey, you should've at least waited for me.", I let out weak sigh as I stomped towards the highschool band room.

"Iori... Remember what I talked with you about before?", Isle asked just after I closed the door.

"The song stuff?", was he talking about that song he recorded or something else?

He pulled out his phone and said, "Um, I made this amazing track the other day. It's so cool, I love these guitar sounds."

Ah, yeah, yeah. He did mention about making a song or something like that and I told him I could help with the lyrics.

"Listen to this, Iori!", he says while strumming a bit on his bass.

He played it to me for the first time.

So he played it for me and immediately I could hear this finished song...in my head.

"Please, please let me have that. Let me play with it, like send it to me.", damn that Isle. That was incredibly sick!

He sent it to me. I began writing the lyrics popping up in my head before I forget everything.


Kanna's POV

"All band members, please proceed to the band room. Our PEHM class is about to start."

That would only mean one thing. He's going to spend one hour idling in that stupid band room.

I let out a weak sigh.

I hate PEHM subject.

"Kanna! We'll be going ahead to the gym now. Don't take too long", all I got to say was a 'yeah' before watching them leave the classroom.

Being chosen as the Earth Marshall and Key Keeper sucks.


I better be off to the gym now before I miss anything important.

The class finished faster than I imagined. Just when I was about to return to the classroom, our instructor called for me.

"Miss Hase, please go inform your classmates in the band room to go back. Hand over the key to a friend of yours and off you go!", she instructed.

So...here I am...about to knock the band room's door.

The world behind these wooden doors is something a bookworm like me would never understand.

Knock knock

I heard the door crack open. An unfamiliar person asked me what could be my business with the band.

"I was only sent here to inform my classmates to return to our classroom.", with that... I was allowed to come in.

I winced, thinking that a metallic some kind of band music would welcome my ears upon entering.

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